Tips to Avoid IBS Pain Without Medicines

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a painful condition that affects 11% of the global population. Since the prevalence of IBS is growing, patients need to find ways to stop flare-ups. There are a number of medications, such as Loperamide, but they have their own side effects to be aware of. Patients should consider trying other treatment options to avoid unpleasant side effects.

Here are a few tips that patients with IBS must deal with.

Identify Food Allergies
Many flare-ups are caused by food allergies. You will want to get tested for allergies so you know which foods to avoid.

Eat Plenty of Probiotics
One of the reasons that people have a number of problems with IBS is that they have a lot of issues with bacterial imbalances in their digestive system. Too many toxic bacteria can throw the ecosystem out of whack. Eating probiotics is a good way to restore the right balance. Try looking for yogurts and legumes with strong probiotic cultures.

Manage Your Stress!
Stress is one of the biggest contributors to IBS and other digestive disorders. High levels of stress can cause the lining of your gut immune system to break down, which leads to bacteria entering your stomach. You need to get it under control if you want to avoid having flare-ups.

Eat Plenty of Fiber
Fiber plays an important role in minimizing the symptoms of IBS. It can take a few weeks to notice a difference, but it is worth making the change. You will need to gradually increase your fiber consumption, so try adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your diet.

Find Natural Pain Relievers
Most people manage their pain symptoms with pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and Tylenol. While these medications can reduce pain symptoms, they can also cause long-term stomach problems if used regularly. You will want to look into other pain medications.

Cannabis can be a very effective treatment. You may want to try visiting dispensaries in Denver if you need some. They will probably require a prescription, so make sure to speak with your doctor first.

Consume the Right Fluids
Keeping your body hydrated is very important for managing IBS symptoms. You need to drink plenty of water throughout the day to minimize pain and reduce the frequency of flareups.

However, other fluids can exacerbate your symptoms. Try to minimize your consumption of alcohol, caffeine, carbonated soft drinks and other acidic beverages. They tend to agitate your stomach, which leads to more IBS problems. Pay attention to the types of drinks you consume each day.

Discuss Alternative Treatments with Your Doctor
Dealing with IBS can be a real hassle. You want to make sure that you take all possible steps to keep your symptoms in check. Many doctors’ first inclination is to prescribe medication. You should speak with them frankly about your desire to avoid drugs if possible. They should be able to propose some alternative treatments so that you don’t need to get drugs.


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