Give Yourself 2 Years Before Having Another Baby

Give Yourself 2 Years Before Having Another Baby


In an interview in Abujah, gynaecologist Dr. Fred Achem informed women of child-bearing age to give themselves a two-year pause before having another child.


This is due to the low blood levels that occur during childbirth, which are irregular and unstable, leading to effects such as anaemia, heart failure, fatigue, leg swelling and more. Following a heavy loss of blood, women need a long period of time to recover – more than you may think. Further still, another pregnancy so soon encourages the risk of miscarriage.


According to Codewit, during the interview, Dr. Achem said, “Our women must not continue to get pregnant every year. They have to recover from one pregnancy, rebuild their blood system up and that takes a minimum of two years. Once the blood level starts coming down, it manifests in her strength to carry the baby, it manifests in the size of the baby. And if the anaemia is very deficient, the baby may even succumb in her womb as a result of anaemia.”


One of the methods of avoiding anaemia is for expecting mothers (and those of child-bearing age in general) to take doses of iron and folic acid tablets, which then builds up the blood system. Nutrition is also a giant leap into healthy pregnancy by moderating weight and calorie intake.


“It is very important that women consider their own nutrition and stay on top of good nutrition all through pregnancies, moderate weight gain is very important.”


“It is not so much of what they eat but the quality of what they eat, and to address such things, it is better to avoid all those fried fruits which bring more calories to the system.”


Gynaecologists suggest a heavy mixture of good protein and vegetables to stave off anaemia and the awkward jostle of bowel movements.


anaemiachildbirthFatiguegynaecologyheart failurepregnancyPregnantswollen legs