UK Recycling For Waste Bulbs Has Grown

UK Recycling For Waste Bulbs Has Grown

Environmental issues have long been important but in recent years they have become even more so. New research suggests that there has been a significant rise in the number of used light bulbs being recycles in the UK, compared to previous years. This is according to WEEE compliance scheme for the lighting industry, Recolight. The figures were highlighted after they were released by the Environment Agency, showing that year on year the lamp recycling rates have increased dramatically since the first recorded data in 2008. In 2012, the Producer Compliance Schemes noted that 39.5 percent of tonnage was waste lamps – this was a rise from 23.2 percent in 2008. Recolight has since stated that it was responsible for nearly all of the business lamp recycling in 2012, including a large proportion of household lamp recycling as well.

Environmental issues have certainly come to the fore in recent years, with more importance placed on global warming and rising sea levels. The government and many not for profit organisations have promoted using eco-friendly products and recycling more. The results of this recent data collation have shown schemes such as Recolight that people are taking notice of the concerns and opting for the greener choice. Recolight added to their statement by saying that the increase in the rate of recycling has most likely been caused by the reduction of new lamps being put on the market. The figures suggest  that the scheme is on target to reach its goals with the recast of the WEEE Directive.

You can help lower your carbon footprint by making more of a concerted effort to recycle your household waste, as well as opting for eco-friendly choices, such as with light bulbs. Being more aware of your energy usage will also help, so be sure to switch off electrical appliances when you’re not using them.

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