AMA to Support Diabetic Treatment Improvements

In a bid to improve the treatment of heart conditions and diabetes, the  (AMA) has joined hands with clinical programs and community groups. The aim is to improve methods over the short course of four years in an ambitious and new push.

The physician body AMA is one of the biggest advocates of doctor’s interests; the multi-million dollar effort to augment their patients’ lives for the better is one of them. Already, AMA has seen positive outcomes and vast improvements in preventing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, following positive changes in treatment.

“The toll of these diseases on our nation is staggering – in terms of human suffering and health care costs,” said AMA President Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, according to Forbes. “We have 100 million people in the U.S. who have diabetes or prediabetes. The direct and indirect cost of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is more than $535 billion a year.”

The group that AMA are primarily fixated on keeping ties with is the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. The partnership is seen as an attempt to “help meet and exceed the goal of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Million Hearts Initiative to bring the high blood pressure of 10 million more Americans under control by 2017.”

The research aims to understand the causes of uncontrolled blood pressure and to work on solutions within the next four years. Furthermore, the AMA has also partnered up with the YMCA. Those with diabetes will be able to provide referrals of patients with supposed “prediabetes” – in turn, the physicians can then research evidence-based diabetes and how to prevent the occurrence.

For AMA, there are three aims of which they wish to accomplish as they push towards happier circumstances, better care, health and lower costs.

The ambitious attempt will establish stronger, safer ties with American patients, given them the freedom to look after themselves and their families without causing severe dents to their health. With the project under way, the four-year research is another step in turning the reality of cardiovascular disease and diabetes into a distant myth.

blood pressurecardiovascularcardiovascular diseaseDiabetesDiseasehealthheartmillionphysicianResearch