Top Tips For Helping Your Children Get Fit

Exercise isn’t just for grown-ups, and with childhood obesity on the rise, it’s more important than ever for everyone in the family to eat right and exercise regularly. But no matter what you put on the table, if young children and teenagers are spending most of their time on the couch, all the vegetables and fruits in the world won’t keep them healthy.

Try these top tips for getting everyone from your toddler to your teen actively moving:

Make it fun – We all know kids can be stubborn. If they don’t want to exercise then they aren’t going to. So with young children it’s all about making the activity as fun and engaging as possible; not only will this get them moving, but it’s also a great chance to bond as a family. Getting your kids interested in exercise from an early age means they are more likely to continue the good habit into adulthood, too, so get the hard work over and done with!

Get Gardening – If there’s one thing kids love to do, it’s make a mess. They are fantastic at digging up dirt so get them out in the garden one afternoon to help you plant new bulbs. Did you know that gardening is considered to be as good as weight training? Also, your kids are more likely to eat vegetables they’ve planted themselves as it makes them more appetising, so why not start a veggie patch, too?

Get Sneaky – If your kids are really reluctant when it comes to exercise, it’s time to get creative. If you’re taking a trip to the supermarket, have your toddler walk alongside you instead of riding in the trolley. If you drive them to school, try parking up a few streets away and walking them in.

Think Outside the Box – Exercise doesn’t just have to be limited to walking. Why not enrol your children in swimming lessons? Consider something new and exciting like rock climbing or soft play, as these will really get them excited. Kids are well known for their competitiveness, so choose some old-fashioned games for the family to take part in, like Twister, a kick-about or bat and ball in the park.

Let Them Choose – With all the changes teens go through at this time in their lives, many dig in their heels when encouraged to work on their fitness. Rather than buying them a standard gym membership and expecting them to go every day, talk to them about the different options available and tailor it to their personal interests.

Boost The Excitement – Few teens relish the idea of spending an hour on a treadmill. Don’t despair, there are plenty of creative ways to get up and moving, you just have to look for them. Indoor Parkour, also known as free running, is great for getting your heart pumping, improving balance, precision and confidence. Other fun ways to get the blood flowing include Boxercise, ideal for toning up and practicing those boxing moves, and Zumba, the dance-based fitness craze.

Partner Up – If your teenager shows interest in getting fit, but seems reluctant to go alone, invite them along to your regular class. Partnering up is a great way to encourage your teens to get moving, and it also serves as valuable bonding time. There’s nothing more uniting than sweating through the pain of a Spin class together.

Be a Role Model – If a teenage daughter sees her mum regularly lacing up her trainers for a Saturday run or grabbing a mat for an early yoga class, or if a teenage son sees his dad grinning from the endorphins of a hard workout, they are more likely to want to get involved too. Show them the benefits of exercising and being healthy first-hand and it will rub off on them.

Keep It Entertaining – Even adults know that forcing yourself to do something dull only makes you hate exercise more. So no matter who it is, toddler or a teenager, be sure to keep it fun and keep it interesting. There are so many options to choose from when it comes to getting fit: From dance and gymnastics to track running and Pilates. Help them find their sports love, and your biggest problem will soon be getting them to stop!

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