It’s tempting, when you finally decide what you want in life, to go straight out and tell everyone – and many people suggest this is a good thing to do. But according to Jessica McGregor Johnson, author of The Right T-Shirt, it’s NOT a good idea. Don’t do it. Why? Because these are heart-felt goals that are tender and get crushed all too easily.
Your goals need to grow in a protected environment for a while until they’re as strong as a bamboo shoot and, whatever happens, they will spring back.
Some friends look like supporters but at the first sign of adversity will say, “Don’t worry, you tried; you can give up now.” And they don’t say that because they don’t love you, but because your goals challenge them. Then there are the out-and-out enemies who are always negative, no matter what idea you come up with. These will shoot down an idea before you’ve even finished the sentence. Don’t share your goals with them, either.
So if you can’t tell everyone, who can you tell? Your cheerleaders. These are the people in your life who always stand by your side, cheering you on with great big red pom-poms in both hands. They will help you stay strong if you flag along the path to achieving your goals. So pick the people you share you goals with carefully. Your coach is always your cheerleader, as is an accountability buddy. This is someone you enrol. Someone you trust to keep you going.
Eventually, you will find a point where you are so committed to your goal that it is strong enough within you to share. Then you can tell your goal and dreams to whomever you want and nothing will put you off. You will be so full of enthusiasm and passion that it’s catching. People start to get ideas about how you can achieve your dream. By nurturing your goal until it gets to this place of clarity and passion you will be giving yourself the best possible chance of success and nothing will hold you back.