SAVMP: The Holistic Plan to Control Nuisance Aquatic Weeds

SAVMP: The Holistic Plan to Control Nuisance Aquatic Weeds

In New York, county officials are in the process of creating a comprehensive and integrated Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (SAVMP) for Chautauqua Lake. The Chautauqua County Department of Planning & Economic Development, the Chautauqua Lake Management Commission, Cedar Eden Environmental LLC, EcoLogic LLC and Pashek Associates, have come together to create a holistic plan that will expand upon the techniques available to manage the nuisance aquatic vegetation that impairs recreational, environmental and economic wellness in Chautauqua Lake.

When the plan is complete, it will take into consideration the location and type of man’s uses; areas of excessive weed growth; areas where the conflicts between man’s uses and the weeds occur; and sensitive areas. The plan will then utilise this, and other, information in order to prescribe reasonable and practical management alternatives for each scenario. Therefore, the aquatic vegetation will – hopefully – be controlled using complementary methods.

According to Jeff Diers, Chautauqua County Watershed coordinator, ‘Developing such a comprehensive plan is a very complex process and requires a significant amount of information and attention to detail.’ He added, ‘There is a great deal of historical information available, and the goal was to utilize the existing information from all previous research activities that have taken place on Chautauqua Lake over the past several decades, identify any information gaps, and complete the necessary work needed to fill those gaps in order complete the SAVMP.’

Mark Geise, deputy director of Planning and Economic Development, explained, ‘We desire to have all weed management options at our disposal, and the SAVMP is essential to fulfilling this goal. What is truly unique about this plan is that it will provide thresholds that dictate what management techniques may be used in various zones. These management techniques may include, but are not limited to, mechanical, biological, physical, and chemical methods.’

Lyle Hajdu, chairman of the Chautauqua Lake Management Commission, commented, ‘The time for action is now. For the first time in our history, county, town and village officials are united through an inter-municipal compact to promote the proper management of Chautauqua Lake and its watershed. These officials are working collectively with other public, private, and not-for-profit entities as part of a collaborative partnership of stakeholders dedicated to a common mission. The SAV management plan will allow us to properly manage our precious natural resources through a balanced approach based on good science, broad community support and economic viability.’

aquatic vegetationNew YorkSAVMP