How to Beat Exam Stress with a Burst of B Vitamins

Exam stress this summer will be higher than ever, with increasing pressure for children to get into their local school and rising University tuition fees with less option for retakes. This could damage the mental health and wellbeing of thousands of teenagers, but there is something you can do to help those nerves.

It’s normal and healthy to experience a few jitters or nerves before an exam, but when that anxiety takes over; the feelings can be overwhelming and spiral out of control. According to Dr Sharie Coombes, leading child psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, you can keep that anxiety in check and get through the exam season without stress getting the better of you with B-Calm, oral vitamin spray. This spray provides you with a quick burst of B vitamins and herbs to induce relaxation and calm when the pressure becomes too much, which will help you to stay on top of your nerves.

However, there are other things you can do to reduce stress. Firstly, breathe intentionally. If you can find an effective breathing pattern, you will be able to transform the chemical balance of your stress hormones and reduce your levels of adrenaline and cortisol in your body. These two hormones are responsible for causing the feelings that you instantly recognise as nervousness or anxiety. Try the 7:11 breathing ratio. This involves inhaling while you count to seven – at whatever speed you like – and then exhaling for a count of 11. Keep this going and the nerves will fade away in just a couple of minutes.

When you’re cramming all that information into your brain during a studying session, it’ll be better for your nerves and your memory if you take a little break. Going away from your revision and coming back to it gives your brain time to process the information, so having a break will actually help you come exam time. When you are between study sessions, doing something that you enjoy will make a real difference. Take a 30 minute rest every now and then, making sure that you eat well and drink plenty of water. Finally, remember that your brain continues to file and link learning during sleep, so getting a good night’s rest will make it easier to recall the information you need in the exam.

b vitaminsexam stressintentional breathing