Kitchen Comfort

Whether your kitchen is a warm, welcoming communal space in which food is lovingly prepared from choice, fresh ingredients, or simply a functional room in which chores are performed, how your kitchen is run will have a big impact on the wellness of your household. A clean, uncluttered kitchen makes a nicer, more relaxing environment for family and friends to gather to share meals and news than a dingy, messy space. And, since the food you prepare there affects the health of those who eat it, clearing and cleaning is a great starting point.

If you can’t see the fruit bowl for the pile of junk mail dumped on top, chances are that when you do pick them up you’ll find some neglected pieces of fruit are past their best. Similarly, if it’s easier to reach the deep fat fryer than the steamer or slow cooker, the chances of making healthier cooking choices are diminished. If you organise your kitchen to make it easier to see fresh ingredients and to reach the machines and utensils you need, there’s more chance you’ll make the effort to cook a healthy meal rather than a fry-up or takeaway menu.

Agatha Christie reckoned she got her best ideas when washing up, and there’s no denying that simple tasks can free your mind to find a more meditative state. Chopping, stirring and kneading are all things we do almost subconsciously, and even though they are ‘work’, they can have a relaxing, even therapeutic effect.

Another advantage of keeping on top of things in the kitchen is that if you are stressed when you cook, the chances of something going wrong are greater – you might cut yourself or burn the food in your haste. You will also feel stressed when you sit down to eat, and that’s bad for digestion if nothing else!

It’s a good idea to make it a rule to never (or almost never – everyone deserves a night off now and then) go to bed leaving the kitchen in a mess. That way, when you walk in the next morning to prepare breakfast, you’ll be greeted by a welcoming sight. Getting your day off to a pleasant start rather than a stressful one can influence your entire day, so there are big advantages to gain. It may take a little effort to turn your kitchen into the calming, welcoming, nourishing, health-giving centre of your home, but that effort will pay off in spades.
