How To Be More Balanced And Achieve Optimum Flow In Your Life

It’s tough when you feel pulled in different directions, unable to spend time doing the things you want to. Being more balanced is a very personal thing because we are all different – to some people sitting on a beach is relaxing, to some it is the very definition of boredom! Achieving optimum flow in your life is something that’s unique to you; the surprising thing is that small changes to your routine and planning can make a huge difference.

Think ‘Rhythm’, not ‘Balance’

Achieving balance is like walking a tightrope; you are always swaying a little this way, then that. Anyone who tried cooking dinner, playing with their kids and working on tomorrow’s meeting agenda will know how this feels. Instead of trying to ‘balance off’ different activities in your life, think instead about creating a daily or weekly rhythm that works for you. This means taking a step back and considering how you ‘do’ your life.

Know your energy thresholds

Key to finding your rhythm is to understand what gives you energy and what drains your energy. We are all different so monitor your energy levels for a week and pay attention. Some people find that the buzz of a party gives them energy and for some others it’s a real drain. Some people get energy from activity like going for a run; for some they get energy from being still. Once you know what works for, you can plan your week so that you do more of what gives you energy and less of what drains you. Even a small tweak towards what gives you energy will bring you more rhythm.

Review the list below and begin to get a sense of you own thresholds. Is your energy enhanced or drained when you:

  • have lots to do or nothing to do?
  • are with or without unfamiliar people?
  • are with or without trusted close people?
  • have structure or a lack of structure?
  • have clarity of a lack of clarity?
  • are sitting still or moving around?
  • have peace and quiet or noise and bustle around?

As you look at the list notice what is it about them that impacts your energy?

Develop healthy routines

Start to plan healthy routines that help you maintain rhythm and give you energy. This is hard for people who like constant variety but the advantage of a routine is that it gives you a thinking short cut, giving your mind space and energy to focus on more important things. For example creating a work wardrobe that coordinates will save you time planning outfits or packing for business trips. Having weekly meal plans save time instead of thinking about what to cook every day. Where having variety and choice gives you a pleasure keep it, otherwise find a healthy routine that works.

Pace yourself

When changing your routines, take it step by step and avoid drastic changes. Your mind and the other people in your life need time to adjust. So instead of finishing work at 5pm every night instead of your usual 7pm, decide to leave at 6pm three nights a week, then gradually keep tweaking your leave time until it works for you. It’s always better to start with something you know you can achieve, and moving from there than taking a major step you can’t sustain.

Use the following simple process to find a rhythm that works for you:

Finding your rhythm

STEP 1 Review your last week and identify the times when you felt that you had rhythm and life was flowing:

  • What was true at those times that is not normally true?
  • What wasn’t present or happening that normally is?
  • What is there to learn from those times of flow?

STEP 2 F.or the next 7 days, think about your energy thresholds and:

  • Notice what activities, people or events either add to your energy or don’t seem to drain it.
  • Notice what activities, people or events drain your energy.
  • At the end of the 7 days decide on one step you can take that will help you with your energy threshold.