How Do I Make Aromatherapy Bath Salts?

How Do I Make Aromatherapy Bath Salts?

Aromatherapy bath salts rely on the therapeutic effect of essential oils combined with salt and water to enhance a person’s bathing experience. The salt added to the water helps in the healing of dry skin by easing up the opening of the pores where the sweat, dirt and toxins are supposed to pass through to get outside the body.


Bath salts can also be used to reduce itching and skin irritation that occurs as a result of insect bites and minor rashes. Those suffering from skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can benefit from it too. Aromatherapy bath salts‘ pleasant scents are derived from the essential oils used in their preparation. One can choose to use only one aromatherapy oil or combine more than one in a blend. This helps to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and recover from fatigue and other conditions. Here is an article to help you make your own aromatherapy bath salt at home.


Things you will need

Of course there are certain kitchen tools you will need to prepare the bath salt. Here they are:


  • A bowl
  • The salt to be used
  • Cups (preferably of 920 ml)
  • Essential oils and a career oil
  • A jar with a lid that can be closed tightly
  • 1 tablespoon


Steps to follow

There are many different salts you can use for the recipe, it can be Sea Salt, Epsom salt, Icelandic brin salt or black see pink salt. You can pick the one you prefer based on the results you expect. Once you make your choice of salt, you can place it in the bowl. You can blend two different types of salt in the bowl if you want.


You should now add carrier oil (example coconut oil) to the salt that you poured in the bowl. A tablespoon should be enough. You then need to mix the whole thing for a while.

The next step would be to add the essential oil. It could be just a single oil or a blend of 2 or 3. In the case of essential oils do not exceed 24 drops. Even 15 drops is enough. You should then mix it thoroughly again.


Basically you are done. After mixing with the essential oil, the bath salt is almost ready. You just have to pour the mixture into a jar with a lid that can tightly close it. The following day you should mix the whole mixture again.


How to use

The aromatherapy bath salt is used by adding half or one cup of the salt mixture to running bath water. Fill the bath tub and allow the salt to dissolve in it. Helping the salt spread around the water with your hand is a good idea. Keep in mind that the coarser the grains of the salt the more time it needs to dissolve completely.


About storage

To store your bath salt you can buy fancy glass bottle or cellophane and ziploc bags. Because of the presence of essential oils in the mixture, you should avoid plastic bottles. They can be melted by the oils. Jelly jars are very much recommended for storage purposes.


But remember to always label the different mixtures you come up with and keep your bottle away from children’s reach.


Other bath salt recipes


Different aromatherapy bath salts can be used for different purposes. Here are some suggestions to try at home


– Soothing Oatmeal Bath Salt Recipe

This one is to help you relax after a difficult day of hard work



‘2 cups of epsom salt

1 cup of sea salt

1.5 cups of finely pulverized oatmeal

1/2 ounce of lavender essential oil


You can follow the same procedure describe above to do this one except you will need to grind the oatmeal this time before adding it.


– Stuffy Nose Bath Salts Recipe

The bath salt is made with blends of essentials oils that are known to help fight cold.



2 cups of sea salt

2 cups of baking soda

1/4 ounce of eucalyptus essential oil

1/8 ounce of lavender essential oil

1/16 ounce of tea tree essential oil

1/16 ounce of pine or cedar essential oil

10 drops of peppermint essential oil


You don’t have to get all the essential oils mentioned in the ingredient list. The eucalyptus is the most important of them all


– Invigorating Foot Soak

For those suffering from athlete’s foot, this is a wonderful treat for. Just keep your feet immersed in a tub filled with water where this bath salt was dissolved. The blend of essential oils used in this mixture are known to have medicinal power and anti-fungal qualities.



2 cups of epsom salt

2 cups of sea salt

1 cup of baking soda

1/4 ounce of lavender essential oil

1/4 ounce of tea tree essential oil

40 drops of peppermint essential oil.


As you can see it is not that complicated to make your own aromatherapy bath salt at home. The ingredients might change depending on what you are looking for but the procedure is the same in most cases. Enjoy yourself as you experiment with those different blends.


Neil Maycock works in the health and wellness sector and recommends Aromatherapy Gold for essential oil and natural skincare products.

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