How Does Quitting Drinking Affect Your Body?

Drinking has become such a regular part of a modern lifestyle that we don’t think to question exactly how much we really drink each week. Many people drink regularly, albeit not necessarily a lot, and have done since they were legally allowed to do so – but how does this affect your body? If you’ve gone years without really ever stopping drinking, chances are you’ll find it more difficult than you think. If you’ve been feeling under the weather for a while, or can’t seem to feel like yourself no matter how many diets or health kicks you go on, it could be that the alcohol is to blame.

Those evening glasses of wine or a beer to end the working week each Friday night soon add up, and if you were to stop yourself from having them you would almost certainly notice the difference. Alcohol not only affects your mental ability, but it can also lead to sleep deprivation and weight gain. Beer, mixers and cocktails are all loaded with sugar and calories, so your waistline will thank you for cutting back, as will your liver. Alcohol is also a stimulant, which is why you’ll find your sleep is more disrupted when you’ve been drinking more. Sleep is important for a healthy lifestyle and for your body to function efficiently, so cutting back on the alcohol can make you feel more energised and improve your wellbeing.

The social element of drinking is part of the reason why a lot of people drink more than they possibly would normally – when you quit, even for a short time, people notice and question why you’re not joining in. This peer pressure element of the drinking culture is partly to blame for many people’s drinking habits, but don’t feel pressured into drinking just because it’s questioned when you don’t. Giving your body chance to repair and recuperate for a while is not a bad thing, even if it’s just for a week.
DrinkingemotionsMental Wellness