How to Regain a Work-Life Balance as a Small Business Owner

How to Regain a Work-Life Balance as a Small Business Owner

If you own a small business, you’ll know that the tough economic climate has hit your corporate wellness harder than ever. Research has shown that nearly half of small business workers now forgo a work-life balance, with business admin in particular eating up too much of your time. Plus, nearly a third of small business owners’ mental wellbeing is affected by stress and pressure, and relationship wellness with customers and family and friends has suffered – so what can you do to regain a sense of balance?

According to Paul Lawton, head of the small business division at O2, you can stay connected anytime and anywhere these days, but your employees want one device, one point of contact, and the latest technology. ‘At O2, we launched a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme in December 2011, which is now used by almost 2,000 employees – 60% of our Slough HQ workforce,’ he says. ‘This number continues to grow.’

Paul explains, ‘The advantages of BYOD initiatives can be hugely favourable for businesses as employees feel supported to work in the way that fits their work style best, which can result in improved business agility, cost savings and enhanced productivity. If we can do it as a big business, think what a difference it’ll make to a small growing company – removing the pressure of managing multiple devices and giving staff some flexibility.’ Paul adds that, if you are considering implementing a BYOD policy, you should be clear that employees have to have passwords on their devices.

If you still need more time to focus on the critical needs of your business and what it requires to grow, you could outsource to specialist businesses for help with web design, accounting or recruiting new staff. Paul advises, ‘To make sure you get the right fit first time, it’s important to consider working with other companies of a like-minded culture. When deciding which operations you should outsource, think about the areas that are core to your business and those that aren’t.’

Paul continues, ‘Another option is to outsource complicated paperwork and contracts, such as health and safety management and employment law, to a specialist HR company. The benefit of this is not only more time, but also peace of mind that you have somewhere to seek advice if you need it. Ultimately, outsourcing is a great way to reclaim some time, providing you select partners in the right way.’