Of all the vitamins and minerals you need to improve your wellness, some are harder to come by than others. Many turn to supplements to give their wellbeing a boost of B vitamins, magnesium and vitamins E and D, but the truth is that there’s a much more natural and delicious way to go about it; Suavva Original Cacao Juice Smoothie.
Produced by Agro Innova, a single serving of Suavva Original Cacao Juice Smoothie contains 270% of the daily reference intake (DRI) needs of the powerful antioxidant Vitamin E and no less than 395% of the DRI of Vitamin D, 156% of Vitamin B9, 60% of Vitamin B1, 27% of Vitamin B6, and 81% of Magnesium. The trailblazing, all-natural health beverage contains a powerful exotic ingredient cacao puree, which is a natural and enjoyable source of these elements.
Having now been introduced to the mass market by its innovative healthy juice manufacturer, the smoothie is ideal for you if you’re a health-conscious consumer, as it provides an excellent alternative to supplements and pills. The smoothies come in four flavours; Original Cacao Juice, Orange Cacao Juice, Mango Cacao Juice, and Chocolate Cacao Juice, and Ecuador Produce, the main supplier of cacao puree to Agro Innova, have recently released laboratory studies which have confirmed the healthy properties of its super premium cacao fruit puree.
You already know by now the monumental benefits that antioxidants, vitamins, and magnesium can have to your wellness. The powerful antioxidant vitamin E helps to restore your cells to their original condition, as well as helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, cataracts, and some of the signs of ageing. Your body needs vitamin D, on the other hand, to absorb calcium. This helps you to form and maintain strong bones, providing protection from osteoporosis and mortality in women in particular. Vitamin D may also help prevent hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.
And magnesium? The National Institutes of Health states that you need this mineral for more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. Magnesium works to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps your heart rhythm steady, supports your healthy immune system, keeps your bones strong, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. On top of all this, magnesium may prevent and manage hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. So with all those amazing ingredients and benefits, why wouldn’t you try Suavva Smoothies?