In such a flu time, as now, we try to protect ourselves against the flu in different ways: ocilococcinonum, oxolin ointment and gauze bandages are in the course – the last boom of the Moscow metro. But, oddly enough, conventional products can be much more effective! Ginger Ginger contains camphine, feladrin, gingerol, borneol, vitamins C, A, B1, magnesium, sodium and zinc. Together they protect against diseases, increasing our immunity. When buying ginger, take the spine in your hands – it should be smooth, fibrous, without black spots. Ginger can be young and old, young one can not be peeled off before cooking. How to store ginger? In the freezer, it can be up to 6 months, in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks, if it is packed into cellophane. Ginger is contraindicated in newborns, people with cholelithiasis and those suffering from ulcerative colic. But lactating mothers are allowed ginger. The best immunity will strengthen the ginger drink. To cook it, peel the root from the peel (as thin as possible, the root surface has a lot of useful oils). Rub the ginger (a piece about 2 cm) on a grater (or grind it in a blender, adding a little water). Grind a mass of pour 2 liters of hot water. After 10 minutes you can drink a drink. It is recommended to drink this ginger 2 times a day for 200 ml. Since the taste of ginger is quite specific, it is possible to add cinnamon, lemon, honey. It is not recommended to drink a drink before going to bed – it will prevent you from falling asleep. Ginger can be added to tea. In the kettle, pour 2 tablespoons of tea leaves and 1 spoonful of grated ginger, pour boiling water. After brewing, strain and cool. It helps to strengthen the immune system of ginger juice. Take it 5 ml 3 times a day. By the way, it is perfectly refreshing on a hot day. Honey Honey and some other products of beekeeping are one of the most effective means for increasing immunity. Honey is rich in vitamins C, E and Group B, and it also contains provitamin A, folic acid and mineral trace elements. All together increases the resistance of the body and contributes to the prevention of many diseases, But, unfortunately, honey is the strongest allergen. Children under one should not try honey at all, and it is necessary to introduce it into the children’s diet from small portions. And adults should be more careful, especially if there is a tendency to diabetes or the risk of cancer. Very useful for immunity is the combination of honey and aloe, as they perfectly complement each other. The mixture is prepared as follows: from the lower leaves of aloe (the plant must be over 3 years old), squeeze the juice and mix it with honey in a ratio of 1: 5. Take this juice three times a day for a teaspoonful for 3 months. Raspberry jam Another delicious product, which increases immunity to everything else, is a raspberry jam. It contains vitamin B, so it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Unfortunately, the delicacy is contraindicated in patients with obesity or diabetes mellitus. In the jam during cooking, fiber is retained, which stimulates the work of the intestines and helps to slow the absorption of cholesterol. Probably, the most pleasant thing in such treatment is that the jam lifts the mood. It helps to produce serotonin, a hormone of joy. And he, in turn, activates the work of the brain. But the most important thing in raspberry jam is an increase in immunity in the winter. Vitamin E, carotene and ascorbic acid have a beneficial effect on the body’s resistance. In addition to raspberry jam is also very useful and currant. Raspberry jam – natural aspirin, as well as it contains elements of iron and calcium. Garlic, onion, chili, mustard. Sharp products such as horseradish, chili, radish, mustard, garlic and onions suppress the growth of bacteria and viruses. It is recommended to eat them raw without any heat treatment. But if you have any problems with your stomach, it’s better not to risk it, but to do it: cut finely 1 raw onion and 2 cloves of garlic and inhale their fragrance for 5-10 minutes. Compotes Sometimes grandmothers are the most effective! The most vitamin compote – from medicinal herbs and berries. To make such compote, mix 1 part of dry willow-tea, mint, lemon balm, chestnut flowers. 5 tablespoons of this mixture pour a liter of boiling water, cook on low heat. Ready-made broth leave to stand, strain, add to it compote of dried berries of cherries, strawberries or currants. Drink at least 0.5 liters of compote per day. Here is another recipe for compote for immunity. Take 500 g of ground cranberries, a glass of chopped walnuts, 3-4 apples, half a cup of water and 500 g of sugar. Mix all the ingredients, put on a weak fire, bring to a boil. Put everything in a jar and eat 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, drinking tea. One more means well influences immunity, but to taste it is not so pleasant. Take a few bulbs, finely chop, mix with 200 grams of sugar. Add ½ liter of water and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. Cool, add 2 tablespoons of honey, mix, filter, pour into a glass bottle. To drink such “compote” you need to 1