Know the right way to oil your hair

Your hair makes your more beautiful. For beautiful hair, you need to care them too. Hair care involves shampooing, brushing, oiling and trimming etc. So, you should not miss on any part of hair care. Talking about oiling, most of the people don’t know how to do it right. As oiling helps in improved blood circulation so it makes your hair grow long and healthy. In fact, you are required to oil your hair at least once a week. If you don’t oil your hair then start it and feel the difference. To have beautiful hair, know the ways to oil your hair.

Lukewarm oil

Hot oil is better than normal oil.  It is advised to lukewarm oil before applying to your hair.

Make partitions of scalp

Don’t pour oil on scalp. Oil should be applied properly to your hair. Make partition of scalp and apply oil with the help of your finger tips. You can also use cotton balls for the same purpose.

Use appropriate amount

You are not supposed to use excessive oil on your hair. If you are using extra oil then you have to use extra shampoo too to wash your hair.

Massage gently

Most of the people don’t know the right way of oiling hair. You should not rub your hair with palms. Just gently massage your hair with finger tips for 10-15 minutes.  


After oiling, steam is good for hair. Steam helps you to absorb the oil. So, take a towel soaked in warm water and wrap it around your hair for 40-50 seconds. Repeat this process for at least 5-6 times.


Usually, people like to keep oil for overnight as it very good for hair. But even if you wash your hair even after 3-4 hours of oiling then it is equally good for your hair.