New Alzheimer’s Disease Vaccine Being Created

New Alzheimer’s Disease Vaccine Being Created

In recent years, brain research has undergone many improvements and seen vast progress. However, more needs to be done, according to Alzheimer’s Disease International who recently issued their report on the Global Economic Impact of Dementia. They stated that if dementia were a country, it would be the world’s 18th largest economy – this example highlights the state of the problem. There are hopes of significant breakthroughs for medical research where Alzheimer’s disease is concerned, as this condition is irreversible and can cause intellectual impairment. The MIMOVAX team is hoping to develop a vaccination which will ensure safe and effective treatment for this condition, with the result being a significant halt to the disease’s progression.


MIMOVAX is a project which targets truncated peptides derived from the Amyloid Precursor Protein, or APP. The team is focused on using immune reactions to fight beta amyloid proteins, which are believed to cause the condition. The project was initially running for three years by Austrian company AFFiRiS AG. During MIMOVAXs course, various vaccine candidates were identified which could have the ability to reduce amyloid plaque and help to improve spatial memory and learning. The results of the tests are currently being evaluated, but researchers are confident that they could have a vaccine available within the next twelve months.


Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are conditions which are becoming increasingly common, with symptoms being forgetfulness and disorientation. This degenerative disease requires more research in order for an effective treatment to be developed. If you think that someone you know is showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease, you should seek medical advice from your GP as soon as possible. Though Alzheimer’s disease is not treatable, it is possible to prevent the condition from developing more quickly through early intervention.

Alzheimer's Diseasenew studyVaccine