Pope Francis described the internet as a “gift from God,” hailing its ability to foster dialogue among disparate groups, though he acknowledged that the speed of social media can make it difficult for users to engage in self-reflection.
In the statement, the Argentine-born pope said that “unprecedented advances” in technology and digital media have made it easier to engage with people of different religions, thereby “creating a sense of the unity of the human family.” Using the web to communicate with various groups, he added, could help resolve religious, economic, or political differences.
“The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity,” Francis said. “This is something truly good, a gift from God.”
He acknowledged, however, that the internet is far from a panacea. The speed and ubiquity of social media threaten to isolate users from their friends and family, he wrote, and those without access to these networks are in danger of being left behind. He also noted that it’s just as easy for web users to wall themselves within echo chambers, despite the great variety in opinions and viewpoints that connectivity offers, though he believes that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
source theverge.com