A Step In the Right Direction: Foot Care for Diabetics.

A Step In the Right Direction: Foot Care for Diabetics.

The Scottish Government has launched a new medical scheme to help the country’s diabetes suffers. Diabetic patients are to receive regular foot checks and care in the CPR for Feet scheme, in order to reduce the need for diabetes-related amputations. This initiative intends to spot the early warning signs of foot-disease caused by diabetes, and reduces the risk of patients losing limbs. Hospitals and foot clinics will be able to offer foot checks to all individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes, and advice will be given on foot-care.


The most recent Scottish Diabetes Survey has revealed that a quarter of a million Scottish people have the condition, with the majority developing type-2 diabetes throughout their life. The public health minister stated that £300 million of hospital expenditure was linked to the treatment of diabetes and its symptoms, whilst more money is spent on after-care and rehabilitation of amputees. As the leading cause of amputation, diabetics are 15 times more likely to require amputation than those who do not have diabetes. As such, this initiative aims to significantly lower the national rate of amputation, reducing the number of people having to endure the pain and difficulty of losing a limb.


Diabetes and its symptoms can be prevented or controlled by a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, medication and professional health care is important for diabetics to ensure optimal health and minimal risk of complications. This initiative is a positive step for the Scottish Government, and if successful could be adopted by other countries, including England. This money-saving scheme will hopefully improve the physical and mental health of diabetics, and also raise awareness of foot-health for diabetics. Asides from information and checks offered by health care providers, individuals can check their feet and legs regularly for health and normal function, and identify problems which they can then approach professionals about.

amputationDiabetesfoot care