What Your Walk Says About You

Whether you strut, sway, stroll, saunter, stride or swagger, your walk says a lot about your personality. In fact, research has shown that our walk is one of the ways in which we offer non-verbal clues to another.

Our mood affects how we walk slump-shouldered means we are feeling low, bouncing along if we’re happy, determined, purposeful strides when we are focused on a goal etc.

Research regarding our walk has yielded some interesting conclusions:

You are focused – You have somewhere to be and are charging ahead. You don’t care about distractions, look ahead or down, deep in your thoughts, and don’t notice people around you. You are determined, purposeful, cold and slightly unapproachable.

The friendly type – Your walk is casual, eyes display interest in the surroundings and you are quick to smile. You are more likely to make eye contact and are accessible.

You have a serious attitude – You hold your head up and your eyes look forward; your chest is up and shoulders are pulled back. Your arms are low and slightly bent and hands are loosely cupped. You are strutting!

The Alpha male – You are a tough kind of a guy! Your shoulders swagger more to reveal your confidence and power, arms move out a bit to increase the visible side of the body. You are healthy but pretentious and would like to give an impression that might not be all true.

The introverted – You walk cautiously, avoid eye contact, guard your space and try not to encroach on the space of others. You also lean forward but with eyes downcast. Folding the hands on the chest, especially when walking, clearly shows the unwillingness to engage in any interaction.

Oh so sexy! – Typical of women. Hips sway more and display awareness that people are checking you out. Your shoulders are open and stretch back slightly, showing off your breasts. You hold your head up with chin parallel to the ground, exhibiting the vulnerable neck area. It broadcasts that you are sexually healthy and eager to be admired, all with a generous dollop of vanity.

Relax! What’s the hurry? – You let your shoulders relax and put them into a position to use good arm motion while walking. You let your eyes take in everything around you without focusing on anything specific. You may not wave out or smile but you are enjoying your own company and your thoughts.

Vulnerable – You take short, brisk steps, have a smaller arm swing, and your eyes are either downcast or then dart quick glances to then focus on your feet. You tend to be emotionally unstable.

Research also suggests that you can learn to walk in ways that send a different message than you usually do; practice might help you fool people that are judging you. According to a study published in the ‘Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry’, imitating a happy or sad way of walking can actually affect your mood. If you are feeling vulnerable but want to show that you aren’t, walking with a longer stride and bolder arm movements might do the trick. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy believes that ‘power posing’, even when we don’t feel confident, can boost feelings of confidence, and might impact our chances for success. So fake it till you make it but be careful not to overdo!

emotionalEmotional Balanceemotional connection