8 Healthy Ways to Enjoy Your Summer

Summer’s just around the corner! With longer and lazier days (school’s out, right?), it’s a good time to relax, renew, and revitalize. However, summer’s not all about fun. If you don’t take care of yourself, this season may also cause health problems, ranging from minor to fatal ones. So to make sure you truly enjoy your summer vacation, here are a few tips to practice this season.


1. Stay cool

The rise in temperature can cause a severe form of hyperthermia known as heat stroke. This serious medical condition occurs when the human body absorbs more heat than it can handle. It is important to keep your body temperature lowered on summer months. Hence, take cold showers and wear light and loose clothing. Don’t exert yourself too much, as well.


2. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays

Too much exposure to the sun’s rays can hurt your skin. Aside from heat rashes and sunburn, you can get skin cancer too. Rashes and blisters also lead up to skin infection. To protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, lather up on sunscreen or sunblock 20 minutes before you head outdoors, even on cloudy days. Use one with a minimum rating of SPF 30, which is recommended by medical experts. For more protection, use an umbrella and a wide-brimmed hat.


3. Stay hydrated

As mentioned earlier, the heat of summer gives your body a harder time to cool itself down. And too much body heat can lead to fatal events such as extreme exhaustion, dehydration, and heat stroke. To help your body cope with the rising temperature, drink plenty of fluids. Drinking eight glasses of water or electrolyte-rich drinks helps your body prevent heat stroke and assists your muscle functions. Drinking enough water also relieves headaches and stress, as well as helps you lose weight.


4. Exercise

Summer’s longer days may make you lazy, but now’s the time to engage in light sports and exercises to stay fit. To stay fit and have fun at the same time, head to the beach. Swimming, hiking, playing frisbee are only a few things that you can enjoy. These activities can help you lower your blood pressure and strengthen your heart.


5. Beware of bugs

Spring and summer months don’t only attract people, they also attract fleas, mosquitoes and ticks. These insects transmit or cause dengue, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease, among others. To prevent these diseases, apply insect repellent properly, especially from dusk to dawn as these are prime mosquito-biting hours. Avoid going to grassy areas to prevent tick bites.


6. Take care of your feet

Various germs and bacteria are in play during the warmer seasons. Humidity and sweating can also increase your chances of foot infections. To have germ-free feet, use antibacterial soaps and foot powders. Scrub the areas between the toes thoroughly while taking a bath. However, if the situation grows dire, consult a dermatologist.


7. Take some Zzzs

Give your body a time out this summer. Sleep is proven to refresh and rejuvenate not only your physical body, but your mind as well. Eight hours of sleep a day keeps your mind at peace and away from daily stressors of life.


8. Visit your doctor

Before summer really sets in, it’s good to visit your physician for a complete physical check-up. This can help you avoid any sickness that may deprive you of a summer vacation. For those who already have medical plans, it’s time to make an appointment today. For those who still don’t have coverage, choose low-cost health insurance that fits your needs.


Have a happy, healthy summer! See you at the beach!


About the author: Melissa Page is a professional writer and a gym buff. She enjoys writing about health and healthy living. When she’s not writing or at the gym, she’s working on her friends’ group blog, Word Baristas.

bodyhealth concernsheatheat strokehot weathernbspstay fitSummersummer monthssummer vacationtime