How to Get Started Studying Tarot

Alternative methods of examining one’s life, like astrology and tarot, are becoming more popular today than at any time in recent memory. Whether that’s thanks to the internet or due to a shift in cultural thinking (or both), it’s no surprise that many people are now interested in learning the nuances of these pursuits for themselves.

If you are interested in reading tarot, it can be intimidating to know where to start. Here’s a quick beginner’s guide for how to get started with studying tarot.

Get a Deck and a Book

Of course, your first order of business will be to get a tarot deck. Many beginner’s books come with an accompanying deck, allowing you to read about each card’s meanings while consulting the deck you have on hand. Some experts recommend The Only Tarot Book You’ll Ever Need, Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom, 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card and Learning the Tarot, but you can pick whatever book most interests you. If you pick a book that doesn’t come with a tarot deck, make sure to get a beginner-friendly one.

Read Up on Cards and Layouts

Read your books (or study the meanings of tarot cards online through your own research) and also look into books about tarot layouts. The place where each card is laid out on the table is significant for the reading of tarot cards, so it’s important to know what the various spots signify. The Complete Book of Tarot Spreads is a great resource.

Draw One Card Per Day

If you’ve started reading about all these cards and their potential layouts, you may be starting to get intimidated. While it’s important to slowly learn this information, it’s even more beneficial to simply get started with reading and intuiting cards. Writers at Biddy Tarot and Autostraddle recommend drawing one card per day and reading it according to your own life. Look up the card and its meanings, analyze the design and stylings of the card, and think about it throughout the day to see how it applies to your life. This will help you develop a personal connection to your cards and get to know them intimately.

Start Simple

When you feel like you’re ready to read some tarot, begin by doing extremely simple readings of three cards. Autostraddle explains that in a linear line, the three cards will represent, from left to right, something to let go, your life at this moment and advice for moving forward. Doing these simple three-card readings for yourself, your family and your friends will help you build your tarot knowledge and expertise.

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