By Jasmin Waldmann
Whether you are making a public speech, are in the process of closing a business deal, or merely sitting and chatting as a part of a group of friends, a good posture enhances the way you come across.
An upright posture expresses a lot; it demonstrates self-confidence, self-esteem, a powerful body and determination. You appear alert and sharp. You look like you know what you want and are confident of your actions.
Here is a little exercise that I often demonstrate in my seminars: Sit on a chair, your back rounded with drooped shoulders, slouching, curl yourself, and shrink as much as possible, head down, saying to yourself, “I feel fantastic!”
How does that feel?
And then try a posture that’s just the opposite: Sit upright, shoulders pulled back, chest forward, head up, and say, “I feel terrible!”
It obviously does not work, right? The body cannot lie. If you slouch or slump routinely, make yourself look small physically, you will feel small and low emotionally; if you stand upright and take up your due space, you will feel good.
It is really that simple. We may be able to manipulate people’s perception of us by telling verbal lies but the body language always gives the truth away.
When you adopt the right posture you look taller, more powerful and more attractive. The right posture is also important because the body leads the mind and vice versa. So our physical posture and body language affects the way we feel mentally and emotionally. If you feel low, this is how you can actually turn your emotions around and bring them to a place of more power: Lift your spine up by stretching your back, keep you head up, smile and say “I feel good!” in a firm and clear voice. Hold for a few moments and, after about 60 seconds, you will find yourself feeling far better.
You could try this exercise whenever you have an important event coming up, like a meeting or a public speech, a serious discussion, sales negotiation or even a date. The body will be in a far better mode. You will feel more alert and enthusiastic, less anxious, and have a higher self-esteem.
Another reason to have a good posture is to protect yourself from back pain. I often see clients suffering from back problems attending my sessions. When you slouch, your muscles and ligaments strain to keep you balanced, which can lead to back pain. A good posture allows muscles to work more efficiently and prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and back and muscular pain.
If your posture is less-than-perfect, it is always possible to correct it. Conscious awareness and knowing what posture is correct will help you correct yourself. With practice, the correct posture will gradually replace your old posture. This, in turn, will help you move towards a better and healthier body and mind.
Jasmin Waldmann is an international Mind & Body Transformation Expert and the inventor of Pilardio® and JaWa Diet. Visit