What Foods can be Eaten on the Paleo Diet?

What Foods can be Eaten on the Paleo Diet?

If you have been online this past year or so you would have undoubtedly seen endless articles and adverts for the Paleo Diet, a diet that at first glance will seem like just another fad that won’t actually help see any real results.

Who in their right mind would believe that a diet that would involve you matching the eating habits of our prehistoric ancestors could possibly work?

Yet if you delve a little deeper you will realise that in reality the Paleo Diet could actually help with your weight loss efforts and improve your overall health.

For a start you won’t be allowed to eat all those unhealthy modern meals, so that is a good thing.


What are you allowed to eat?

Those who decide to eat the Paleo Diet can only choose those foods found in the Paleolithic period.

These food types are normally free from gluten and casein, with very little sodium.

Below you will find more detail on the types of food allowed on the Paleo Diet:



Meat and Eggs

Meat, including fish and eggs are the most important food source found in this diet. Though you need to ensure that the source of the meat is natural.

Basically this means that the animals should be eating a natural organic diet.

Some authors will say that only low fat meat should be consumed, mainly due to modern day meat being high in saturated fats. There are those who disagree, however.



Vegetables are another important food that you should consume while undertaking this diet.

Usually the vegetables you can choose to eat could be eaten raw, although this does not mean that they should be eaten raw.

Green bean and peas should not be consumed as these are forms of legume.



Although fruit is allowed you should attempt to limit the consumption of fruit juice, dried fruits and those fruits that contain high levels of sugar.


Nuts and Seeds

If your aim is to lose weight then you limit your daily consumption of nuts to 4 ounces.

You are not allowed to consume peanuts as these are a form of legume, while cashew nuts cannot be consumed as they cannot be eaten raw.

If you want an alternative to cow’s milk then unsweetened almond or coconut milk are good options.



Olive or nut oil are preferred, while fish oil supplements are recommended while on the Paleo Diet.



Apart from drinking water and tea there are very few beverage options available.

Some people will say that the occasional coffee or little alcohol is permitted, though most will say that those drinks containing artificial sugars and sweeteners which should be avoided.


What are you not allowed to consume?

You are not allowed to consume the following while undertaking the Paleo Diet:


Refined Sugar

This should not be a surprise as you would be hard pressed to find any diet that would recommend the consumption of too many sugars.



Grain is not allowed as it is simply not logistically possible to collect enough to eat.



Starchy Tubers

Some authors of various forms of the Paleo Diet would claim that the occasional root vegetable would not harm your progress while others would say that you should avoid potatoes, yams, cassava, manioc and many forms of beet.



Legumes are not allowed to be eaten simply because they cannot be consumed raw.

Another more scientific reason is that they contain lectins, which can negatively affect your metabolism.


Dairy Products

As animals were not domesticated during the Paleolithic period dairy products should not be consumed.

Some will say that a little butter is okay, but as before the animal should have eaten a natural diet.


Processed Meat

Meat that has been processed, such as bacon and sausage cannot be consumed.



Corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, rice bran or wheat germ oil should be avoided. This means that mayonnaise cannot be consumed.



Most popular diets would recommend that you limit your salt intake, the Paleo Diet is no different.


What else is recommended?

If you really want to be successful with the Paleo Diet then you cannot rely solely what you are eating.

Our ancestors did not sit and wait for their food to be brought to them so you need to get up off your sofa and do a little exercise.


Author biography 

Jac Jenkins is a stay at home Mom passionate about health and fitness. She is currently running her own blog at: http://www.yourweightlossaid.com/

consumed nbspdairy productsdiet and nutritiondiet nbspeaten rawFoodnbspnbsp nbspnbsp oilspaleo dietpaleolithic period