Could Income be Causing your Partner’s Erectile Problem?

A new study has shown that the sexual health of men could be jeopardised by having a partner who is the main family breadwinner. A lot of men derive a sense of wellbeing from being the primary wage earner, and it has now been discovered that they are more likely to suffer from sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and mental or emotional wellness problems, such as anxiety if their wife or long-term partner earns more than they do.


It was also found that men who are in this situation are more likely to be unfaithful to their wives, it seems, in an effort to regain a sense of their own masculinity. Coupled with research which shows that around 40 percent of women now earn more than their male partners, this could represent a worrying social and health trend.


It is believed that insecurity could be at the root of the sexual and other health problems experienced by these men, as they feel that their masculinity is threatened by having a woman take on what is traditionally seen as a male role. This can then dent their confidence, to the state where they feel insecure in themselves and unable to perform sexually.


This research was carried out at Washington University in the St Louis Olin Business School, and was entitled ‘In Sickness and in Wealth’. The researchers claim that the cultural and social factors associated with the traditional patriarchal system, where men are the head of the household, mean that when that role is taken away from them, they can find it very hard to cope, as they subconsciously feel that their role in life has been taken away from them, and their masculinity usurped.


Previous studies have already proved that frustration and anger can lead to significant problems in the bedroom.
