Can Vitamin D Assist in Reducing Blood Pressure?

Can Vitamin D Assist in Reducing Blood Pressure?

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem, but scientists may have found a connection between this very situation and hypertension, which increases the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Vitamin D deficiency is caused by a lack of exposure to the sun, although we can also source it from out diets. The worldwide study suggests that we may be able to reduce high blood pressure simply through higher concentrations of the sunshine vitamin. This vitamin is sometimes called the ‘wonder vitamin’, as it plays an astonishing role within the body – it’s been found to influence all 36 organ tissues in the body, improves wellbeing and helps the body absorb calcium for healthy bones and teeth.  Not only can it assist a healthy skeletal structure, but it can also improve your immune systems strength, hormone metabolism, brain function and your mood. Now scientists believe that it can improve cardiovascular function and blood pressure – the amount of data to support this is mounting as the months progress.

Researchers carried out a study involving more than 155,000 people from across Europe and North America, and found that vitamin D levels are deficient for the majority of people. However, what they also found was that increasing those levels helped to lower their blood pressure, thus helping to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. For every 10 percent increase in vitamin D, there was an 8.1 percent decrease in the risk of developing hypertension. The body doesn’t naturally produce vitamin D and there are very few foods in which contain it. You can buy fortified foods, such as bread and cereal though. In Britain, where more than 16 million people suffer from high blood pressure (many of which unknowingly suffer), this study could serve as a fantastic treatment that could offer numerous other health benefits in the process. Experts have suggested that preventing cardiovascular diseases is vital, and that health professionals need to consider all avenues of treatment.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which is vital within the body. A deficiency in this can lead to numerous health problems, including rickets in children which is a condition in which the child develops soft bones. The average healthy adult should be incorporating around 200 IUs of vitamin D every day, and people over the age of 50 should be consuming even more to combat the breakdown of bone health. Here are some foods which could contribute towards this daily dose.

1. Milk

Milk, in addition to being a rich source of calcium, is also a fantastic source of vitamin D. Given that the two go hand in hand, with vitamin D helping the body to absorb calcium, milk should be a high contender for foods you consume every day. A single cup of milk can provide up to a quarter of your recommended intake – most dairy products aren’t fortified though and contain a very small amount.

2. Cereal

Following on from milk, cereal is often fortified with vitamin D. Check the packaging before you buy to ensure that it does contain it, and make this your breakfast of choice to top up your intake of this wonder vitamin.

3. Salmon

Salmon is well known for being a healthy option when it comes to fish, due to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your health. In addition to this, though, it also serves as a great source of vitamin D. One serving of this fish will provide you with your entire daily dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D foods are hard to come across, so this addition to your diet can be hugely beneficial. Other fish choices to offer similar benefits include mackerel and tuna.

4. Eggs

One egg provides up to 25 IUs of this vitamin, but this is found in the yolk rather than the whole egg, so egg whites offer no health benefits.

5. Orange Juice

To complete your vitamin D-rich breakfast, add in a glass of orange juice. One half of a cup offers 45 IUs of this nutrient, as well as being a great source of vitamin C.

blood pressuredietVitamin D