STI Diagnoses Have Increased by 500,000, Study Warns

STI Diagnoses Have Increased by 500,000, Study Warns

Sexual health is a bigger concern than ever before, with a new study finding that the number of people whose wellness was affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) rose by almost 500,000 last year. According to the Public Health England (PHE) researchers, STI diagnosis rose by 5% in 2012 from the previous year, with cases of chlamydia and gonorrhoea seeing the biggest increase and the wellbeing of people under the age of 25 most at risk.

In the case of gonorrhoea, new diagnoses increased by 21%, which health officials warn is particular cause for concern antibiotic resistance is on the rise. There were an even greater number of chlamydia infections, with cases amounting to 46% of the total diagnosis. When chlamydia goes unnoticed and untreated – as it often does – it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and damage in women’s reproductive system. People under the age of 25 contributed 64% of all chlamydia and 54% of all genital warts diagnoses in heterosexuals in 2012, while new gonorrhoea diagnoses rose 37% in the MSM (men who have sex with men) population.

Dr Gwenda Hughes, PHE head of STI surveillance, commented, ‘There have been significant improvements in screening in recent years, particularly for gonorrhoea and chlamydia among young adults and men who have sex with men, so we are diagnosing and treating more infections than ever before. However, these data show too many people are continuing to have unsafe sex, put themselves at risk of STIs and the serious consequences associated with infection, including infertility. Ongoing investment in programmes to increase sexual health awareness, condom use and testing, particularly for groups at most risk, is vital.’

According to Lisa Power, policy director at the Terrence Higgins Trust, the 21% rise in gonorrhoea was a particular concern. She noted, ‘It is vital that people, particularly young people starting their adult lives, understand how to prevent sexual ill-health. This includes using condoms and going for regular check-ups as well as valuing the importance of healthy relationships.’ Hughes added, ‘We must also ensure chlamydia screening remains widely available. Local authorities should continue to integrate chlamydia screening into broader health services for young adults. This will also help this age group develop positive relationships with services, enabling them to develop and maintain good sexual health throughout their lives.’

Researchsexually transmitted infectionsyoung people