Reiki: What Can It Do For Your Health?

Reiki: What Can It Do For Your Health?

It’s a natural instinct to touch an area of your body when it’s in pain – the human touch conveys serenity, warmth and healing. Animals even follow this instinct, licking an area of their body when it is wounded or in pain. This basic act is the basis for all touch healing therapies, which is why reiki can be so effective in treating ailments. In today’s age, everyone wants a cure for all diseases and infections, and holistic therapies can provide this without the dreaded side effects. So, how does it work? Reiki works by bringing all elements of your body into harmony by rearranging the chakras, or energy centres. It aims to make the body stronger and more stable, so that it will be unaffected by diseases.


Reiki can be used for a number of health complaints including improving your sleep pattern, helping to treat acute injuries and chronic problems such as asthma or headaches, relieving pain and helping the body to cleanse itself of toxins. It can also reduce some of the side effects people experience when they take certain medications. Receiving a Reiki treatment is not intrusive, but it does yield some powerful results. A full session lasts around an hour, but there are specific treatments which can be done within about 30 minutes. This involves the therapist placing her hands on various parts of the body. These are held for a few minutes, to allow the light pressure to permeate the body. This is to harmonise the energy in the body and to help to boost it’s own ability to heal itself. This therapy works best where it is most needed – where the energies are blocked. During a treatment session, you may feel a gentle tingling or a warmth in the area being treated – as the energy builds, this will release the balance, stress and tension to help relax the body and increase well-being. The plus side of Reiki is that it is a simple procedure and is easy to learn how to do.

healingholistic therapyreiki