Did you know that 70% of us have the same lunch every single day? How dull! Surely you don’t have to suffer monotony to get the nutrition you need for your wellbeing. Why not spice up your lunch box with these exciting and wellness-boosting super foods?
Cherimoya – The nickname for this super food is “the custard apple”, and tastes like a cross between a banana and a pineapple. The scaly skin on the cherimoya may make it an ideal for any of you Game of Thrones fans out there, but remember that the exterior of this heart-shaped green fruit isn’t for eating, and nor are its black seeds. When cherimoya’s skin goes brown and soft to the touch, it will be ready to eat and the inside will be a creamy flesh, boasting 60% of your daily vitamin C, and, at seven grams per fruit, more fibre than an apple!
Star fruit/Carambola – The star fruit gets its name from the shape of its slices, but lives up to its star quality in terms of what it can do for your wellness. In a medium-sized, fresh fruit, there’s more than half of your daily recommended vitamin C, plus potassium, fibre and, on top of all that, only 28 calories. It has the watery goodness of a watermelon and the crunch of a cucumber, and goes great with seafood or meat dishes, or makes a tasty jam or chutney.
Kumquats – These miniature oranges may look cute, but with all that vitamin C and fibre, they pack a serious wellness punch. You can eat the whole thing, rind and all, but the “candied” variety is best avoided, due to all that excess syrupy sugar. Try slicing your kumquats and eating them raw in salads, or else they make a great chutney to accompany seafood or meat dishes.
Buddha’s hand – This is one freaky-looking fruit, but don’t let that put you off. Named Buddha’s hand due to the fact it looks like multiple fingers, the fruit gives you that amazing taste of lemon without the pulpy texture of citrus. According to registered dietician Jennifer Dimitriou, the rind packs even more flavour than a more traditional citrus fruit, which makes it perfect for zesting. Plus, just one tablespoon of the rind can give you 13% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake.