Studies have shown that spiritual people are less prone to self-destructive behaviours like addictions, violence etc and have less stress and a greater total life satisfaction. Spiritual wellness is not only for adults. It applies equally for children and teens as well. According to the University of New Hampshire, many factors play a part in defining spirituality, like religious faith, beliefs, values, ethics, principles and morals. Spirituality allows us to find the inner calm and peace needed to get through whatever life brings. Spiritual wellness of your family is also reflected in
- Your personal and social relationships with others
- How you, as family and individuals, connect with nature and practices integrating mind, body and spirit
- If your family members have a purpose in life
- In your ability to recognise right and wrong and acting accordingly
- How much you care for each other and if you practice forgiveness and compassion.
Studies have shown that there is an intricate connection between spiritual and physical wellness. Spirituality has been shown to reduce depression, improve blood pressure, and boost the immune system. It can be a powerful and important source of strength for the entire family. Spiritual beliefs and practices can help fight feelings of helplessness, restore meaning and order to life situations, and regain a sense of control. Maintaining spiritual wellness does not mean there are no problems in your life. It means that you are in a better position to cope with it, together, as family.