Want to Be a Fitness Instructor? How To Nail That Interview

These days, great jobs are becoming few and far between and so nailing the interview is more important than ever. However, even though job market wellness has taken a huge hit in the recession, the fitness and wellbeing industry is still going strong. While this means that becoming a fitness instructor may be a wise move, the competition is going to be fierce and so you need to get your interview skills in tip-top shape.

Firstly, make sure you’re completely prepared. This means researching the company or organisation to which you have applied, and finding out every detail about the position for which you are being interviewed. This means that you can talk about the organisation and explain why you would like to work for this company in particular – which interviewers love – and you can tailor your answers to fit the job description, so they know you’re the perfect candidate.

An important thing is to look and feel the part. You need to ensure you’re well-dressed and smart for your interview – that goes without saying – but you also have to understand your own skills and abilities. In your interview, you will need to talk clearly about yourself, and be confident and unafraid to speak up about what you can do best. Think of yourself as a product, and the interviewer as a potential customer. You need to sell yourself and your unbeatable skills!

However, it’s not all about the questions you answer, but the questions you ask that will get you the job. The interview is an opportunity for you to find out anything else you may need to know about the position and make sure it is definitely for you. There’s no point getting the job if you end up wanting to quit by the end of your first day. Plus, your potential employer will be impressed if you ask questions, as it will show that you are interested in and engaged with their company.

When you go to your interview, make sure you bring exactly what they ask you to, and always take an extra copy of your CV. Even if they don’t ask for one, you can revise right up until the moment you get called in. However, these days your potential employer won’t only look at the information you hand them; they’ll also check you out on social media sites. Your Facebook is the window to your soul, so be careful with what you post, or remove your last name from your page so you’re not so easy to find. Alternately, you can use social media to your advantage by posting or tweeting about things related to fitness, as this will show your interest and expertise.

fitness instructorInterviewpreparation