Which Hormones Are Responsible For Your Weight Gain?

Hormones affect a number of our bodily functions, but did you know that they can actually affect how much weight you gain? It could explain why some people struggle to lose weight, regardless of what methods they try. According to current research, there are four hormones which are responsible for keeping certain people overweight – this is particularly the case as we age. A study and presentation by Dr Sisskind could be making the rounds, as he reveals the secrets behind these hormones and the secrets to weight loss – even for those who have struggled with it in the past.


Adiponectin has become commonly referred to among scientists of late, due to the discovery that those with a higher level of adiponectin have a lower body fat percentage on average – those with lower levels of this hormone tend to carry more body fat. There are reportedly two natural ingredients, revealed in a video by Dr Sisskind who discovered these hormonal effects, which are proven to increase these levels by 15 percent on average, as well as more than double the results of fat loss in an eight-week period.


The presentation is controversial, as few studies have been presented like it in the past, and Dr Sisskind is on record as saying that some media companies have refused to air the presentation over concerns that the content will anger larger corporate advertisers. There are certain companies which benefit hugely from the obesity crisis, through the large amounts of revenue they receive from the epidemic, and presentations such as this could lead them to a loss. However, the information provided could benefit those who have struggled to lose weight in the past.

diethormonesWeight Loss