Big Dreams Small Wallet: Marriage Proposal on a Budget

Big Dreams Small Wallet: Marriage Proposal on a Budget

Asking someone to marry you will be one of the biggest moments of your life, and it is important to take steps to ensure that the proposal is memorable. However, it is not necessary to spend an exorbitant amount of money in order to provide your beloved with a beautiful ring and a romantic proposal. Instead, you simply need to utilise the resources that are available to you so that you can ask the big question with confidence and pride.

Proposing on a Budget: A Step by Step Guide

1) Selecting an Engagement Ring – Even if you do not have a lot of money, it is still possible to get an engagement ring that will make your partner’s eyes light up with joy. In fact, there are several online jewellery websites that stock gorgeous diamond rings at a discounted price. Therefore, you should be able to find a ring in your price range that would typically be a lot more expensive, and this will let you pop the question without feeling embarrassed by the quality of the ring. Additionally, you should consider asking your future wife’s closest friends or family members to help you during the selection process.

2) Picking a Spot to Propose – Many people believe that they need to go somewhere expensive such as on a Hawaiian vacation in order to propose in a memorable way. However, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, the best way to make your proposal romantic is to pick a location that truly means something to both of you. For example, you could propose in the spot where you had your first kiss. Other ideas include somewhere secluded that the two of you both love, or during a vacation to somewhere nearby, in order to reduce expenses. As long as you speak from the heart when you ask someone to marry you, it is going to be a memorable and romantic proposal.

3) Engagement Photos – Getting engagement photos professionally done can be extremely expensive. Therefore, you should consider asking someone who has photography skills to secretly accompany you to the spot where you are going to propose. After all, getting a picture of the big moment will be much more romantic than paying someone a lot of money to take posed photographs. As an added bonus, your future bride is likely to be extremely impressed that you figured out a way to capture one of the most important moments of both of your lives.

4) Wedding Bands – Once the proposal process has been completed, it will be time to begin selecting wedding bands. Once again, you can utilize the services of an online jeweller to find discount wedding bands that won’t hurt your budget.

Although people place a lot of pressure on themselves to come up with the perfect proposal, it is important to remember that the ring and the location where you propose are not going to be determining factors in the other person’s decision. In other words, if you feel like getting engaged is the right step for your relationship, you should move forward with a proposal regardless of your budget.


As an amateur photographer, Melanie Fleury loves to capture every moment, from the proposal to the wedding ceremony. Superjeweler(dot)com offers discount wedding bands for a wide variety of choices in rings for anyone trying to save money in their wedding event.

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