Back with an old flame? Keep these in mind

You had just bumped into the person you once had a fling with. One thing led to another. And in no time both of you realised that your feelings for each other were not dead. So you started dating. So far, so good. Getting back with an ex – even if it was a brief fling earlier – can be a marvellous thing, provided you keep the following points in mind:


Total recall

It may have been a short-lived romance, but do not forget the reason why you had parted ways. If it has been an external factor, that's beyond anyone's control, such as relocating to a foreign country, then you need not worry. But did your relationship fizzle out because there were big differences? Think about them, because they could return to haunt you.


Forgive and forget

If there had been disagreements, don't carry the baggage around. Sometimes the forgive-and-forget policy can resuscitate the relationship with renewed gusto.


Looking back

If disagreements crop up again, don't try to compare the present situation with what had happened in the past. Focus on the current issues, without looking for any pattern in his behaviour. Try to delink the past with the present.


Don't hanker after perfection

While you date each other, there may come a time when you'd realise that the two of you may not be a perfect combination. Therefore, keep expectations low and go with the flow.


Realistic goals

If dating gets serious by any chance, start thinking about what you want from the relationship. Should you keep it casual? What are his thoughts on this? Clear communication can save a lot of trouble and forestall a mismatch of expectations.