Underage Drinking: Does Your Middle Child Have a Problem?

Having multiple children is challenging, and this can cause the middle child to feel like they are not receiving enough attention. Unfortunately, when the middle child syndrome rears its ugly head, the problem can go beyond simply acting out. In fact, your middle child is at a higher risk for having an issue with underage drinking, and this can have a negative impact on the entire family. According to online attorney resources, underage drinking can lead to a DWI with many consequences that can follow a teen into adulthood. There are several steps that you can take to help prevent middle child syndrome, and it is also vital to pay close attention to any potential warning signs.

How do I know if My Child is Drinking?

The reality is that most people will consume their first alcoholic beverage before they reach the age of 21. However, simple experimentation can turn into a huge issue for some people, especially if they are acting out because they do not feel like they get enough attention at home. There are several things that can indicate that a child has an alcohol or drug problem.

1. Altered Schedule – If your teenager usually comes home before curfew and gets up at a decent hour, you should definitely start paying attention if they suddenly start showing up late and sleeping in on a regular basis.

2. Attitude Change – Every teenager goes through moody moments, but drinking a lot can take its toll on anyone’s attitude. If your teen seems more surly than usual and starts having an excessive amount of emotional outbursts, you will need to have an open and honest discussion with them about everything that has been going on in their life.

3. Lower Grades – When a student’s GPA drops from a 4.0 to a 2.0 in one semester, there is definitely something wrong. Although the grade change may not be quite that drastic, you will want to keep a close eye on any measurable performance changes from semester to semester.

4. New Friends – It is common in high school to make new friends on a regular basis. However, if your middle child suddenly starts hanging out with a completely different crowd, it is important to pay close attention.

5. Appearance Changes – When teenagers drink, they typically get less sleep than they are used to. Additionally, if their drink of choice is beer, it is possible that they will quickly put on a few pounds. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for weight changes and the telltale signs of less sleep such as bags under their eyes.

Preventing your middle child from feeling isolated enough to act out with alcohol requires a lot of patience and attention. After all, the middle child will almost always have some feelings of resentment toward their younger sibling, and you can only smooth this over by ensuring that they are given just as much attention as the baby of the family. One good way to do this is to occasionally take the middle child to the movies without bringing their other siblings. Regardless of the methods you choose to use, remaining cognizant of your middle child’s feelings is the best way to prevent them from developing a problem with underage drinking.

As a mother of four, Melanie Fleury likes to stay informed of the problems and struggles that she may face in helping her children through daily life. The Powers McCartan, PLLC group, at http://www.powmac.com/dwi-defense-attorney/, offers guidance for clients who may have a child that has been drinking, and they vigorously protect their rights when they need professional representation.

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