Current Mix of Crops Used for Energy Takes Toll on Planet

Current Mix of Crops Used for Energy Takes Toll on Planet

We use a certain mix of crops for energy, but our environmental wellness is suffering as a result. This is according to a new report published last week by the European Environment Agency (EEA), which stated that the current mix of crops used for energy are ‘not favourable to the environment,’ because the environmental benefits of such bioenergy vary significantly depending on the source of crops.


In terms of greenhouse gas emissions and the impact on ecosystems, bioenergy – when sourced from waste or agricultural residues – is more efficient than fossil fuels. However, the EEA warned that there is a knock-on effect when you grow crops for energy; environmental impacts such as deforestation. This report could not come at a more relevant time, as on the 10th of July the EU will have their final vote on their plan to cap the percentage of biofuels made from food crops.


Those in favour of the cap say that environment concerns over the EU’s biofuel policy make the cap essential. As it stands, the EU has a target of 10% of transport fuels coming from biofuel by 2020. However, those against the proposed cap – mainly biodiesel companies and farmers – have fiercely criticised the proposal, noting that, if it goes ahead, the EU will destroy a booming £14bn sector and take demand away from farmers at a time of increasing volatility in global food prices.


Hans Bruyninckx, director of the European Environment Agency, commented, ‘We see huge potential for bioenergy in the transition of the energy system that will occur over the coming years, but our research shows that this potential must take into consideration resource and climate efficiency. For example, food crops and other first generation pathways are a particularly inefficient use of biomass.’


According to Kenneth Ritcher, a campaigner for Friends of the Earth Biofuels, ‘This report is a stark warning to lawmakers about the urgent need to differentiate between the types of bioenergy, based on their real impact on climate change. If the European parliament is serious about cutting emissions it must support proposals next week to penalise biofuels that increase emissions through deforestation.’
