Traveling Man: Importance of Staying Connected When Away

Traveling Man: Importance of Staying Connected When Away
If your job causes you to spend a lot of time on the road, it can become difficult to stay in contact with your family. However, there are several different things that you can do to keep your personal relationships strong when you are on the road. Although it might be difficult to find time between all of the traveling and work that you are doing on a daily basis, it is imperative to place your family first by scheduling at least a few minutes for a phone call every day. Tips for Staying Connecting while You are Traveling for Work

1) Skype – Talking on the phone is a good way to stay connected, but using Skype will make it feel more like you are at home. You can schedule Skype dates with your wife or you could even join your family virtually for dinner. This will give everyone in the family a chance to speak to you and see you, and this is important if you want to minimize the emotional damage that can be associated with working on the road. In order to take advantage of Skype’s free video calls, you will need to make sure that you check into a hotel that offers dependable Wi-Fi. One chain of the best hotels in Houston, TX  not only offers Wi-Fi, but also has computers available for use should you not be able to use your work computer for personal activity.

2) Texting – If you have a really long day filled with meetings, you might not be able to spend a lot of time on the phone. However, everyone gets a five-minute break at some point during your day, and you can use this time to send a quick text that lets your significant other know that you are thinking about them.

3) Call before Bedtime – If you have children, it is important to help them feel secure while you are away. Therefore, if you typically read them a bedtime story or tuck them in, you should call or Skype with them before bedtime in order to retain a sense of normalcy.

4) Send Flowers – Many people feel the emotional strain of not being together, and this can make it difficult to keep the romance going. However, you can get around this issue by sending flowers or other surprises throughout the week. This will let your partner know that you have been thinking about them, and it will also give them something nice to look at while you are away.

5) Schedule a Shared Weekend – If you do not have children or you have someone who is willing to watch them for a couple of days, you should invite your significant other to spend a weekend with you at the hotel when you are unable to come home. Even if you will be working for part of the weekend, your spouse can still enjoy the hotel’s amenities and explore the local area.

Staying connected when you are away from home for an extended period of time will require a commitment on both sides. Therefore, make sure that you and your partner speak on a regular basis, and take the time to let them know how much you miss them.

Melanie Fleury stays connected with family around the world through texting and Skype. Hilton Hotels & Resorts, one of the best hotels in Houston, TX, knows how important it is to stay connected, and offers Wi-Fi access to those staying with them. For those that can bring their loved ones down for a visit, the knowledgeable concierge can help find ways to make the visit a fun and memorable one.
