Do Anti-Ageing Supplements Actually Work?

Ageing is something we can’t do anything about, but we can when it comes to the physical effects of it – the importance of staying as young as possible has risen exponentially in recent years. More and more people are seeking out new ways to stave off the wrinkles and lines, through natural and surgical efforts. However, with more of an importance placed on the natural route of late, people are looking to supplements as a way of preserving their looks from within and improving their wellbeing all at once. While supplements that can reverse the years may not be in existence just yet, there are ways to improve your health and preserve your wellbeing in the process. Anti-ageing supplements tend to contain ingredients which will improve your health as well as offer benefits to your looks as well. For example, antioxidants are a popular addition as they’re fantastic for your skin, as well as protecting your body from free radicals. You can source them from your diet, as they’re found in the majority of fruit and vegetables, and they also provide you with protection from diseases, too. But the catch is that supplements don’t offer the same health benefits from antioxidants as those found in your diet, so you could be buying into the anti-ageing scam that the beauty industry is plying us with. In your diet, you’ll find many more nutrients than just those offered in a supplement, meaning that your body benefits significantly more.


As we age, our risk of inflammatory diseases increases – for example, arthritis, heart disease and even headaches all become issues. This can have a significant effect on your overall health and wellbeing. Supplements are useful when it comes to anti-inflammatory properties, as they tend to combine a number of health-boosting ingredients which can sometimes be tricky to source from your diet. This is particularly useful with dietary restrictions, such as vegan or vegetarian diets where getting omega-3 fatty acids from fish, for example, is not an option. But there are other supplements which can really do wonders for your health, in general and in terms of ageing, to give you a boost when your body needs it. Folate, for example, is a B vitamin which is vital for your cellular health. It’s often referred to as an anti-ageing supplement, as experts say that it can be beneficial to everyone’s health, not just in pregnancy.


Calcium is a crucial mineral for our health, and this is particularly the case as we age – osteoporosis is a condition largely associated with older people, especially women, so calcium can help to prevent this. Supplements are ideal as a way of ensuring you get enough calcium, particularly if you don’t eat dairy. The same can be said of vitamin D – this can be sourced from natural sunlight or your diet, but most of us don’t get enough. This is linked with your calcium intake, as vitamin D helps your body to absorb and utilise calcium. Low levels of this vitamin have been connected to muscle weakness, pain and hormonal problems, so it’s vital that you get your daily intake. It may be useful to speak to your GP about the pros and cons of this vitamin as a supplement. Gingko has been attributed to having a positive effect on ageing as well, helping you to preserve your cognitive function. Some studies suggest that this supplement could help you to stave off dementia from Alzheimer’s disease. While some supplements are less than effective for helping you to age naturally and healthily, there are some benefits to be found in those which improve your health generally.
