In this economic downturn, the print industry is really suffering. People see media as a non-essential luxury item, and so when they are having to watch every penny, they are forced to make cuts, and their daily newspaper or magazine is often one of the first things to go.
When it comes to their wellbeing, however, it is often a different story. They may be prepared to invest in or subscribe to a magazine that is designed to improve their wellbeing, through either traditional or complementary methods.
Often bigger media companies have folded whilst smaller companies have thrived, and this can often be explained by this connection with wellness. These magazines sell fewer copies overall (especially when compared to big businesses like national magazines and daily papers) but they reach a niche audience, who are prepared to pay more per copy as they contain vital information. This makes them hugely popular with advertisers, who are prepared to pay a premium to have their adverts featured in these types of publications.
Most recruitment ads have now moved online, but even then B2B magazines seem to have managed to cope with this loss. Many have diversified into publishing their content online and on apps as well so that they can be read on the go on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.
One such journal is Health Service, which is for health care leaders and sold around 15,300 copies every week last year. This has also just launched a corresponding app, with a range of subscription offers enabling people to subscribe to its contents in a number of different ways.