Body Art: Why Tattoos Can Be Harmful to Your Health

Body Art: Why Tattoos Can Be Harmful to Your Health

Popular culture today glorifies tattoos. This form of body art lets people express who they are and join in an artistic movement that increasingly is spreading across all demographic boundaries. As popular as tattoos are, however, people should not get one without knowing the risks and how these permanent markings can affect their health.

While most people can get a tattoo safely, others have adverse reactions and suffer from irreversible health damage because of them. Knowing what health risks could lie in wait can help people make an informed decision about whether or not to get a real tattoo or to opt with a removable one like the ones found online at

Risk of Infections

Having a tattoo applied involves a tattoo artist using a needle to puncture the top layers of a person’s skin. While tattoo artists are required by law to use clean needles and follow careful sanitary guidelines, some people still contract infections. Having the skin punctured in this manner could invite bacteria, fungus, and viruses to invade the small, but open wounds from tattoos. Many people experience infections that require they take antibiotics or undergo lengthy treatment for their illnesses.

Risk of Allergic Reactions

Getting a tattoo also involves having dye and ink applied to people’s skin. Few people anticipate having an allergic reaction to the ink and dye used in their tattoos. Nonetheless, many people each year suffer from allergic reactions that leave them severely ill and incapacitated. Some people even must be hospitalized and given strong antihistamines until their reactions subside.

Risk of Blood Diseases

Tattoo artists must follow strict sanitary guidelines and are routinely inspected by the state to make sure that they are following all of the health rules applicable to this industry. Even so, people who get tattoos put themselves at risk of contracting a form of hepatitis, tetanus, and even HIV. The risk is small; nonetheless, it does exist. No tattoo artist can guarantee that a client will not contract one of these diseases. If a person does contract one of these illnesses, he or she may suffer permanent debilitating sickness and even die from their blood infections.

Risk of Regret and Depression

People who are happy and pleased with their tattoos one day could turn around and hate them the next. Many people get tattoos on an impulse. They do not put much thought into what pictures and words they are having permanently etched onto their bodies. If they come to regret their tattoos, these individuals could develop mental conditions like rage and depression.

Regardless of how popular tattoos are today, people still judge others at first glance by their appearances. When a person has tattoos that include profanity, nudity, and other questionable material, this person could become depressed when people judge him or her initially by those marks on their bodies.

Most people can get tattoos and escape any permanent health problems. Other tattoo recipients are not so fortunate. Knowing about the possible health risks and what consequences these risk carry can help one make an informed decision before they get a tattoo. They can decide if the risks are worth having these permanent marks made on their bodies.

Melanie Fleury has had to endure the pain of covering over a tattoo that was unattractive, and urges using a temporary tattoo, like the ones at online. Temp Tatts can be a great way to have body art without the pain or commitment of a real tattoo.

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