Taking Pradaxa? 4 Things You Need To Know

Pradaxa was approved by the FDA in 2010 and is used to help reduce the risk of stroke and to prevent blood clots. Although it can significantly help patients who suffer from an irregular heart beat and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, consumers need to know the risks, side effects and benefits associated with this drug.


1. Pradaxa Benefits

Typically sold in capsule form and as long as it’s taken properly, Pradaxa can reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke in patients prone to these conditions. The medication has seen significant results when followed accordingly to the physician’s treatment plan. However, stopping without a doctor’s approval can greatly increase your chances of stroke and other serious medical conditions.


2. Excessive Bleeding

Known for its coagulation properties and reduced risk of stroke, Pradaxa can cause excessive bleeding in patients, so you need to proceed with caution. Minor injuries such as a bump or fall can increase your chances of bleeding. Your physician or nearest medical treatment facility should be immediately contacted if you are bleeding and show signs of weakness, brown urine, joint pain, coughing up blood, purple or red spots under the skin, unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or swelling.


If you need surgery, medical testing or dental work, you need to tell your oral surgeon or physician ahead of time. They can advise you if you need to stop taking the medication and for how long. As expressed by Doyle Raizner Pradaxa litigation attorneys,”Pradaxa, a new anticoagulant, is designed to stop a series of chemical reactions that lead to blood clotting. Unfortunately, Pradaxa has no “antidote” or reversal agent — as do other anticoagulants — that would shut off this reaction. As a result, patients are left without any way to reverse Pradaxa’s effects in health emergencies.”


3. Health Conditions

Before you begin taking Pradaxa, you should sit down with your physician and go over the possible risks, side effects and how to take the medication properly. Having a clear picture and listening to the pros and cons can help you weigh the risks versus the benefits of the drug. A doctor should also be notified if you have any pre-existing conditions that could affect the medication such as kidney disease, stomach ulcers, bleeding, mechanical heart valves or you’ve exceeded 75 years of age.


If you’re pregnant, or you plan on becoming pregnant, you need to notify your physician before taking the prescriptive medication. Studies aren’t quite clear on whether or not the drug can penetrate a woman’s breast milk and harm the baby.


4. Pradaxa Complications

In addition to its numerous benefits, Pradaxa has had some serious complications associated with the medication and patients need to be aware of the risks. Unfortunately, a reversal property has not been found to treat patients who experience excessive hemorrhaging. Pradaxa has also been linked to an increase in heart attacks and symptoms related to coronary syndrome. Within months of the medication’s approval by the FDA, over 120 deaths were being reported. By 2011, a total of 260 deaths had been tallied, and the warning labels of the product had to be restructured.


Problems and complications associated with Pradaxa can have a significant effect on your family, especially if a death occurred caused by complications to the medication. If you or your family have experienced complications from taking Pradaxa, you need to contact an pharmaceutical attorney to learn more about your legal rights.


Nadine Swayne forwards this information to those who may have concerns regarding the use of Pradaxa. Doyle Raizner Pradaxa litigation attorneys represent clients and their families harmed by this prescription drug, and handle cases arising from adverse side effects of pharmaceuticals.
