Is the Paleo Diet Right for You?

Is the Paleo Diet Right for You?

You’ve undoubtedly heard about the Paleo diet, also sometimes called the Caveman Diet, in which followers eat only the food that was consumed by our distant ancestors, embracing meats, veggies and fruits — while eschewing entirely American diet staples like dairy, grains and processed food.


There are a lot of benefits to following the Paleo diet, but it’s not right for everyone. It’s quite restrictive and can be high in cholesterol. Here’s how to tell if this diet is right for you.


Can You Afford It?

Paleo puts an emphasis on high-quality meat cuts, such as organically raised chicken and grass-fed beef, as well as free-range chicken eggs. This is all undoubtedly healthier food, but it’s also not cheap. You won’t be rounding out your plate with low-cost grains like rice and couscous, either, which can also result in more expensive meals.


Are You a Carb Queen?

If carbohydrates are your main squeeze, then the Paleo diet is definitely not for you. You won’t be able to eat your beloved carbs in the form of rice, traditional pasta or most traditional flour. And bread is largely off-limits as well.


Are You Vegetarian?

It’s not impossible to go Paleo as a vegetarian, but it is very difficult. The diet emphasizes meat to a large degree, and it also eliminates legumes, which include beans, a dietary staple of many vegetarians. It may be difficult to get enough food when eating vegetarian Paleo, as well as enough high-quality protein to keep you going throughout the day.


Do You Adore Peanut Butter?

The good news is that nuts are okay on the Paleo diet. The bad news is that peanuts are not technically considered nuts. They are legumes, and — remember — legumes are off-limits on Paleo. So if you absolutely have to have peanut butter, Paleo is not a good fit, unless you’re willing to substitute something else, like almond butter.


Do You Drink a Lot of Alcohol?

It’s possible to drink in moderation on the Paleo diet. But if you drink in excess, in addition to looking into alcohol rehab treatment centers, you probably shouldn’t try Paleo, where alcohol consumption should be limited to a few times per week, if that.


Can You Go Without Dessert?

There are some Paleo-approved desserts, most of them based on fruit and made from scratch. But if you adore ice cream and cake, you probably shouldn’t try Paleo. On some diets you can have those types of foods, with restrictions. But on the Paleo diet, full categories of food are off-limits, and so that might lead to frustration if you really want an ice cream cone on vacation.

diet and nutritionFoodpaleo diet