How to Up Your Career While Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

How to Up Your Career While Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

At any point in your career, finding a work-life balance is difficult, but when you’re trying to get ahead? Impossible! You have to work harder and stay later if you want to get noticed, right? But then how does corporate wellness fit in? Here’s how to maintain some semblance of a personal life and sense of well-being while still furthering your career.


Firstly, make sure you know your company. Some jobs just aren’t created with a work-life balance in mind, while others may have more appeal in this area. Before you accept the position, look into the company’s policies on working from home, taking time off, and flexi-time. This shouldn’t form the be-all and end-all on your decision – there are, after all, many factors to consider – but if you think you may, at some point, need to spend more time at home with family, it’s good to know that you have that option.


If you want to get the most out of your work and personal life, than communication across the board is key. Doing your job – and doing it well – is the most important aspect in your chances of promotion. Sure, working more hours won’t hurt your chances, but if you’re productive and a consistent performer, it’s likely that a little communication between you and your boss will be all you need to ensure the schedule changes you want. Moreover, you need to keep your family in the loop about your schedule, as well as the plans and after-school activities of others at home. That way, you can work together to keep the family in order when you’re at the office, and your partner and your children will better understand, and deal with, why you’re not around as often as you’d like.


Finally, if your supervisor gives you the go-ahead to modify your schedule, think about the most ideal situation that can accommodate your work and home needs. This may involve going in early, but making it home in time for dinner. Or you may choose to work from home for part of the week, or a combination of the two. Why not leave the office at 4 P.M. instead of 5.30, but then catch up after the kids have gone to bed by responding to emails, etc.?

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