8 Tips and a Bit of Concealer: How to Eliminate Dark Circles

8 Tips and a Bit of Concealer: How to Eliminate Dark Circles

For all the progress that has been made in the anti-ageing wellness industry, there’s still no cure for dark circles. Whether emotional wellness reasons, such as stress, are causing the dark circles to appear, or something physical affecting your well-being, like illness or lack of sleep, with these tips – and a bit of concealer – you don’t have to put up with the unnecessary nuisance that is dark circles.


1. Visionary vegetables – Mix equal parts of cucumber and potato juice, or equal parts of tomato juice and lime. Dip a cotton pad in the solution you create and leave on your eyes for 20 minutes or more. Or you can alternate cold and hot compresses every 10 minutes and finish off with some almond oil before bed.


2. Sleep solution – Not only does a lack of regular sleep lead to dark circles, but it also makes your skin look paler, and this emphasises the shadows even more.


3. Diet difference – As part of a balanced diet, make sure you consume plenty of citrus fruits, berries, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, avocado and green tea. This will give you a good dose of vitamins E, K, and C, iron and folic acid, all of which lessen dark circles.


4. Muscle magic – Massaging your under-eye area and making fluttering motions with your fingers will get the blood pumping, magically reducing the puffiness around your eyes.


5.  Terrible toxins – Smoking and drinking are major perpetrators of dark circles, as these bad habits inhibit the oxygen flow to your skin. Try to limit your alcohol consumption, or at least avoid binge drinking, and quit smoking altogether.


6.  Wonderful water – You need to drink a minimum of eight to 10 glasses of water every day, or else dark circles are inevitable. Drink more, and your eyes will shine brighter than ever.


7.  Risky rays – When ever you’re heading outside (even if it doesn’t look that sunny) be sure you apply sun block under your eyes, and keep sunglasses on for double protection.


8. Computer contact – In this day and age, there’s no avoiding your computer screen but taking timed breaks every hour can limit the exposure to your eyes.

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