When Your Child Has A Problem: Helping a Teen Who Drinks

Teenagers have so much life ahead of them that it may be unthinkable for parents to recognize that their teens have developed serious drinking problems. However, this age group increasingly is at risk of developing problems with alcohol and even become chronic alcoholics. As difficult as it is for parents to acknowledge, they can provide a tremendous service to their teens if they help their alcoholic teenagers get help for their drinking addictions.
Failing to accept that a teenager could be an alcoholic and refusing to help that young person get help could jeopardize, if not doom, that young individual’s future. As one Philadelphia DUI lawyer states, bad judgement by a juvenile can lead to a lifetime of issues.

Rather than ignore the possibility that their teens could be alcoholics, parents today are encouraged to be aware of the ways that young drinking could harm teenagers’ futures. Knowing these detriments could propel parents into action and convince people to get their teens the help they need.


Alcoholism Ruins Teenagers’ Health

Teenagers are resilient; however, even the fittest of teens can easily succumb to the harm caused by excessive drinking. Teenagers who consume too much alcohol could harm their livers, possibly even developing cirrhosis. They also put themselves at risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and gout. Excessive drinking ages people, even teenagers who have young and elastic skin. By the time they reach their early 20s, these young people could look years older than they actually are.


Alcoholic Teens Risk Legal Troubles

As teens get their confidence driving, they could easily risk their driving and legal futures if they drive while intoxicated. Even though they are teenagers, these young drivers could be unable to escape a DUI charge on their criminal and driving records. A DUI does not easily go away as with other youth offenses. This offense could follow them for years, even into adulthood when they must get their own car insurance and seek employment. Most insurance companies and employers are less than eager to associate with people who have a DUI charge on their records


With all of the known risks to teenage alcoholism, parents may still wonder how they could get their teenagers help with this problem. If they are truly committed to getting their teens help, parents can find the assistance they and their teens need from a variety of sources. Most parents choose to enroll their children in rehabilitation programs first. This first step could be vital if they want to ensure their teenagers’ best chances of recovery.


Rehabilitation Services

As with adult rehab, teenage rehabilitation involves following the same steps and learning the same coping techniques as adult drinkers. Teens sometimes are very resistant to the idea of going to rehab. They may not want their friends to know; they also may not believe that they have a drinking problem. However, they cannot refuse to go because they are not legally capable of making their own decisions. As time progresses, however, teen drinkers often benefit from the rehab services and learn how to overcome their drinking.


Counseling and Support Groups

After they get out of rehabilitation, teens can stay on their paths to recovery by entering into counseling and attending support group sessions. Talking with other teens who have the same challenges, being able to objectify their addictions, and coming to terms with the reasons for why they drink can help teens stay sober, even amidst peer pressure.


It can be very difficult for parents to recognize and accept that their teens have drinking problems. However, getting their teens help can help parents come to terms with their teenagers’ addictions and provide them with the means to safeguard their teens’ futures.

As a mother of four, writer Melanie Fleury can only imagine the devastation that can occur if a child were to have trouble with alcohol. Unfortunately, she is also well aware of how alcohol abuse can lead to other substance issues and to delinquent behavior. The law offices of Steve E. Kellis, Philadelphia DUI lawyer, stresses that juveniles can often face criminal charges as an adult depending on the individual circumstances. If your teen is in trouble, contact a lawyer to help navigate the law as each case is unique.