Little is known about the complementary practice of sex therapy, and yet it can be hugely beneficial to the sexual wellness and wellbeing of couples. It is a form of psychotherapy, which integrates psychosocial and biomedical components to help treat sexual problems. It has become more and more common to try this kind of treatment, and social acceptance is growing, but there is still a lot of taboo around the idea of actually talking about the topic. A medical professional may seem unapproachable about this kind of topic, and you may feel embarrassed at the idea of opening up to a stranger. Nevertheless, therapy is exactly what some couples need to get them back on track with their sex life.
As part of the therapy, couples are often prescribed specific, structured erotic experiences, to help them overcome whatever sexual hurdle they are facing. Doctors believe that there are many, many more couples could benefit from therapy than those who currently receive it, but that they feel too inhibited and uncomfortable to come and talk about it. If you are thinking about engaging the services of a sex therapist, think carefully about whether it is what you need. Do some investigating about local sex therapists and what they offer. Sex therapists often advise that you also contact a doctor, as your problem may also be physiological. You may need the services of a gynaecologist or urologist, as well as sex therapy.
You should also be aware that drugs and other substance abuse such as alcohol, as well as certain medications and smoking can all cause problems with sexual performance. It is also worthwhile reading up as much as you can about the problem and finding out a bit more about your body and how it works, so that you feel in control of the situation that you are facing.