Mental Health Issues: What’s Stopping You from Seeking Help?

Mental Health Issues: What’s Stopping You from Seeking Help?

No matter who you are, everyone needs a little help sometimes. That’s why free and confidential mental health care is easily available for anyone, but still you can be reluctant to take it. Shying away from seeking care can be really detrimental to your wellbeing, as treatment can prevent your condition from getting worse. If left untreated, mental health problems can cause trouble at work, in your relationship and even lead to drug abuse or suicide. So, what’s stopping you from getting the help you need?


Outlook: A 2007 study, entitled “Perceived Barriers to Mental Health Service Utilization in the United States, Ontario and the Netherlands,” found that barriers in attitude were the most common reason why Americans don’t seek mental healthcare. The researchers found that many Americans wrongly believe their mental wellness will sort itself out on its own, and that professional psychiatry does not work.


Social factors: According to a report by former Surgeon General David Satcher, MD, PhD, race, age, culture and gender discrimination are major causes for obstructions in seeking mental care.


Lack of Self-Perception: If someone you care about has a mental illness, he or she may be unaware of the fact that anything is wrong. Your loved one may assume that those erratic actions, behaviours and emotions are normal, which means he or she won’t be able to entertain any thoughts of seeking medical help for the problems. You and your collective loved ones may need to intervene here, as there’s no way for the patient to find a solution until he or she first acknowledges that there’s a problem.


Lack of Access: You may find it difficult accessing mental healthcare facilities if you live in a rural environment or village, which is even more worrying considering the fact that seclusion is very damaging to mental wellness. You may also be unable to access facilities if you don’t have adequate transport or if you have certain responsibilities at home.


Social Stigma: No one wants to be seen as crazy, and so a lot of people – and teenagers in particular – don’t talk about mental health problems, or seek the treatment they need.

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