How to Use Kettlebells to Improve Your General Fitness

How to Use Kettlebells to Improve Your General Fitness

If you are trying to improve your wellness through fitness, have you looked into the beneficial effects that kettlebells can have? Kettlebells are a specific shape of weight, with a handle on the top, and they can be used in all different kinds of ways, to improve the wellbeing of various groups of muscles.


Using kettle-bells can help to build your strength and work your leg muscles efficiently, as well as your lower back and shoulders. The weight itself looks a bit like a cannon ball with a handle on top, and this handle allows you to swing it. Just picking up this weight and manoeuvrings it starts to increase your heart rate, and the impact of the shape can challenge different muscle groups at the same time.


Recent research has revealed that using a kettle-bell actually burns around 40 to 50 percent more calories than an average strength-training session.


Kettle-bells tend not to cost much money and come in different weights – an 8 or 15 pound kettle-bell usually costs around $33. Just by using one of these bells and a stopwatch, you can create your own powerful workout that will have you seeing results very quickly indeed.


One of the best moves that you can do with a kettle-bell is a swing. This is when you start with your feet about hip width apart and put both hands on the handle of the kettle-bell (as it sits on the floor). Bending your knees to lift the bell, swing the kettle-bell between your hips (your hips should work like the hinge in this activity). Then, straighten your legs and swing the kettle-bell up to the height of your chin. Use momentum to aid the swing and keep repeating the move for 90 seconds.

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