How to Burn Off Those Extra Calories With a Bootcamp

How to Burn Off Those Extra Calories With a Bootcamp

There are all kinds of ways to help you lose weight and boost your fitness, but a new craze that is springing up – called boot-camp – could be the best way of all. Not only will the strength, agility, resistance and cardio moves from the workout help you burn some serious calories, they will also help you to tone up and get the body that you deserve.


The best news of all is that you don’t actually have to go to a boot-camp session. You can do your very own boot-camp at home, just by following these simple moves.


First of all, do you live near a beach? If you do, then you absolutely have to make use of this in your workout. Working out on sand is a lot harder than working out on a flat surface as you are constantly having to adjust your stability, and the sand also makes the surface a lot less buoyant. You really have to work hard when you run across sand!


The best way to incorporate the beach into your workout is to do some strength and cardio training together, like little mini drills on the beach by yourself. You can do short-distance runs (50 – 200 yards for example) and then intersperse these with a few reps of something like lunges, squats, mountain climbers and so on. The cardio and strength training combined is the best way to burn fat and get lean muscle.


There are also plenty of things that you can do around the house, if you don’t have a handy beach nearby. For example, when watching television you can try some simple but very effective resistance moves, such as the plank. In the plank, you get into a push up position but with your arms further in, underneath your shoulders, and then push up and hold for as long as you can. You could also stand up and do some lunges whilst watching TV, ironing or doing the dishes, as these are great for toning the thighs and bum area.

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