How to Spot the Signs of Common STIs among Gay Women

How to Spot the Signs of Common STIs among Gay Women

As a lesbian or bisexual woman, you may not be so concerned about your sexual health with regards to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), however, according to Ruth Hunt at the charity Stonewall, gay and bisexual female wellness is not immune from STIs, and yet you can be complacent about getting tested for them. Moreover, as a lesbian or bisexual woman, you may have been told you don’t need to be tested for STIs, which is a severe threat to your wellbeing.


Hunt explains, ‘Women can catch STIs such as herpes, genital warts and chlamydia when exchanging bodily fluids. Any one-on-one contact, such as oral sex or using the same hand when touching yourself and then your partner, can put you at risk. Two women that are both menstruating are at a higher risk, too.’ Sex toys can spread infections unless you use a new condom for each partner or between penetration of different orifices. You should also wash sex toys with soap and water between sessions. If either of you has any cuts or sores in the mouth or on the lips, use a dental dam or avoid oral sex altogether. Remember to wash your hands before and after sex, and wear latex gloves and use plenty of water-based lubricant for vaginal and anal fisting. It’s vital you follow these tips, or you could be at risk for one of the following STIs:


1. Thrush: This STI is caused by an overgrowth of yeast called candida, and can cause symptoms such as vulval and vaginal itching, pain and soreness on penetration, burning when you pass urine and a thick, white discharge. You can transmit thrush through sexual touching and sex toys, but you can treat it with medicated cream, pessaries and tablets from the chemist. However, if your symptoms persist you should consult your doctor.


2. Genital herpes: Vaginal, anal or oral sex can spread this virus, as well as sex toys and cold sores on the mouth and nose. You may experience painful blisters and ulcers around your genital area, but some women have no symptoms. You can help the healing process along and shorten the length of the episode by taking anti-viral tablets.


3. Genital warts: These usually painless fleshy growths can appear in the vulval and anal region, and may be a bit itchy. Certain strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) cause genital warts, which you spread sexually through skin contact, such as rubbing vulvas together. Luckily, there are a variety of treatment options, including freezing and medicated creams.


4. Trichomonas vaginalis (TV): You can pass TV to another female partner through any sexual activity that involves the exchange of vaginal fluid. Although some women don’t have any symptoms of TV, you may experience a frothy discharge, discomfort when passing urine, vulval soreness, and/or an unpleasant vaginal odour. The treatment for TV is antibiotics.


5. Chlamydia and gonorrhoea: Both of these STIs are caused by bacteria that infect your cervix, rectum, throat and urethra. Usually there are no symptoms by you might find discharge. These conditions are important to get tested for on a regular basis, because if they go untreated you could develop an infection in your fallopian tubes, which may lead to infertility. You need to exercise caution when using sex toys, hands and rubbing vulvas together, as this is how chlamydia and gonorrhoea spread. Treatment is with antibiotics.


6. Syphilis: This bacterial infection causes a painless ulcer, usually in the genital area, but it will disappear on its own. However, other symptoms, such as a rash and swollen glands, may appear in its place. Syphilis is extremely infectious in the early stages and can be passed on by close skin contact during sex, so early detection and treatment with antibiotics is key. If left untreated, syphilis can cause serious nerve and body organ damage later in life.

bisexual womanBisexual Womengenital wartsLesbiansoral sexrubbing vulvasSex ToysSTIs